Hey all

Since there are quite a few fan works about Male Slash, I decided to write a poem having to do with Female Slash...
I first saw you in the great hall,
Your long blonde hair, your dazzling baby blue eyes,
Attracting many wide stares, you seemed to care not
'Twas but money and looks, were your only captivations,
You did not have one flaw, one mistake about you,
perfect, blinding perfection
I thought you were shallow, annoying, and boastful
Lovely you were, desired by most, a beautiful, delicate flower,
straight from a Queen's Court
Your smile, youth at its finest
An annoyance, an extra, a dissturbance, one two many,
you were to me before...
Until one unforgettable day, I was standing,
pensively, lost in my thoughts,
my homework, and what have you not
In front of me you stood, your eyes within mine,
I felt it..., the look you had come over,
let me know, at once, that you felt it too
You said, "I em zorry, but cud yu plz help me,
I need your... experteze, your wit, and knowledge.
You are so clever, plz oh plz help.
Said it so desperately, longingly..., Truthfully!
I stuttered at first, my response would be lame...
"S-sure, I said, I would LOVE to help you."
*Oh, Thank-you Wonderful Luck*, I heard my head speak
So surprised was I, I could not speak furthermore
You hugged me quite tightly, and thanked me, delighted
I wanted to put my arms around you, hug you back
You broke our *embrace*, turned around, then left,
my expression was a new one, quite stunned,
but changed, efflorescenced
Transfixed to my spot, staring after you,
at your retreating back, that golden-white
shield following behind
We got to know eachother, became close friends,
after that day, I could not keep away,
or neither of us could keep away...?
I thought that morning would be the only
ever day I got to hold you
For once, thankfully, I was wrong,
many more lucky days have come to pass such as that one
Your my pretty rose, my blooming beauty,
My flawless flowergirl
I realize now, there is so much more to you,
Happiness, adventure, sincerity, bliss
We are together, fanciful fun
A bookworm, "know-it-all", a perfect 1/4 veela,
We're argumentative, aware, and cherished
Standing by eachother,
A Bookworm, A Veela!