Cheesy Mac Kennedy had looked into her lap and blushed at her professors' show of affection for one another. She almost felt as though she was intruding on a private moment, even though she had been sitting there the whole time. She hadn't looked up until Professor Blaylock-Erikson mentioned her name. In response to Professor Erikson's question, Kennedy responded quite animatedly, "Oh, yes sir! My mother delivered a baby boy a few months ago and I've been taking care of him all summer! My mom taught me how to properly care for a newborn and I've been helping out for months until I came back here to Hogwarts. In fact, that is part of what prompted my request to spend time with Damian. I understand that you probably don't want students in and out of the nursery trying to care for him. And I'm not even asking to necessarily be left alone with him if you dont want, although I promise I would be very careful and responsible if you did allow me to be, I really just would like to spend some time with him. Maybe sit in the nursery with him and play with him in his crib, or sing him to sleep if you both are correcting papers and need some quiet time. And I completely understand if you'd rather wait til he's a bit older, but I thought I would ask now. I've gotten used to having a newborn in my life and being away from him has been really tough. I think being around Damian would be a joy for me and if you'd allow it, I would be very grateful." A bit choked up in the end, Kennedy's eyes welled up with tears and she was surprised to find that she missed her brother and her family more than she had yet admitted since she had returned to Hogwarts. She looked back down into her lap, hoping her professors didn't see her getting emotional.
Last edited by lemondrop13; 07-26-2007 at 10:25 PM.