USA Today has a new interview with J.K.Rowling in which she discusses Harry Potter's fate in
Deathly Hallows, those 2 much-publicised unintended deaths, whether she'll write another novel within the same world and the spoilers that found their way onto the internet prior to July 21st.
The spoiler-free version of the interview can be read
here. The interview containing book 7 spoilers can be read
J.K.Rowling also went on to reveal who were the 2 much-publicised unintended deaths.
In regards to writing another novel about the world, she says,
Jo also spoke about spoilers that made their way onto the internet prior to the publication of the book.
"I felt angry," she says, her voice getting louder as she talks about it. "I knew it was about other people's egos." She says she was concerned for her young fans, the "10- and 11-year-olds who really wanted not to know" how the book ended until they'd had a chance to read it.
"The (leak of the) epilogue upset me most," she said. "I had been working toward that point for a long time. I did have a sense-of-humor failure when the epilogue went up."
J.K.Rowling finishes by saying she is currently working on two projects - "One is for children and the other is not for children."
UPDATE: An audio from this interview can be found