Chapter 7 Candi wrapped a towel around her soaked head and came out of the showers, singing a little tune. She finally made a friend that her parents could be proud of. Not that her other friends were unworthy. Still....making friends with the blood traitor family wasn't putting her in her father's good graces. But Harry Potter was a worthy catch and a nice person.
She hopped down the last few stairs and entered the Common Room. There were Ron and Hermione, Hermione comforting Ron, who was looking angry.
"What happened? I was only gone for 20 minutes." Candi towel dried her hair next to Hermione. "What did I miss?"
"Oh, Harry and Ginny just ran off to make out, and Ron's all in a tizzy." Hermione said apologetically. Candi shook her head.
"Idiot. Excuse me please." Candi rushed out of the Coomon Room, her hair streaming, looking for Harry.
She finally found him in the kitchens corridor, snogging Ginny Weasley. She coughed loudly, and Harry disengaged himself.
"Oh....Gin, could you excuse me for one brief moment?"
"As long as it's brief." Ginny gave Candi an 'I'm-Happy-To-See-You-But-I'm-Still-******-At-You' look. Candi ignored it for the time being.
"Harry....did you forget about Hermione?"
"No.." Harry said, a little uncomfortable.
"Well, you sure aren't convincing me otherwise. Cause I'm not going to help you with Hermione if you go snogging with Ron's sister. OK?"
Harry became a little red in the face. "Look, I'm not saying that I don't love Hermione. But that can wait. I'm with Ginny right now, and-"
"Sure, right now. But what about tomorrow? The next day? Harry, if you're just pulling my leg, please let me know, and I'll-"
"No Candi, you're right. But I'm not ready for Hermione yet. After she breaks up with Ron, then maybe we can do something about Ginny. But for now, let's just play by ear, ok? See you later." He gave Candi a grateful look, then trotted back to Ginny.
Candi shook her head. She didn't understand some people. Not at all. She made her way back to the Common Room, where Ron and Hermione were still there.
"Little git...I woulda said yes...why didn't he ask me?" Ron asked Hermione, his head in his hands.
"Look Ron, I'm sure this was spur-of-the-moment. I know Harry would have sat down and talked, but you know Ginny. She's a"
"EXCITABLE??" Ron interrupted Hermione. "She's excitable? I would say a little unpredictable, maybe kinda spontaenious, but certainly not exciable. Excuse me please." Ron shoved Hermione and Candi out of his way, and went up to the dorms.
"Why can't guys sit and talk everything out?" Hermione asked Candi.
"Well, you know guys. They always have to be in action. They're big attention-babies."
Hermione laughed. "You're exactly right! Where did Harry find you anyway?"
"Under a rock." Candi said amiably. Hermione had tears streaming down her face.
"Candi, you're awesome! Wanna hang out, no boys?"
"My pleasure." The two girls linked arms and headed outside.
Whew! Finally an update!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |