Yeah, you guys are right! (It IS pretty obvious, but Hermione is a little slow and she doesn't know that yet.)
Hermione finally decided to head to dinner after walking around the school, looking for Joey. She felt worried and scared. What if something had happened to him. She decided to stop at Gryffindor Tower to get a book to read at dinner when she saw a outline of someone standing near the portrait...
"JOEY!" Hermione squealed, running into his open arms. "I missed you all day, where were you?"
Joey kissed Hermione on the top of her head and said, "It doesn't matter, just as long as we're together now."
Hermione sighed as he held her tighter. "Joey, I..." Joey pressed a finger to her lips and leaned in and kissed her. Hermione felt her knees give way. Joey pulled her back up and kissed her again. Hermione wanted it never to end. She wrapped her arms around him and moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her hips and brought the kiss to her neck. Hermione pulled away. Joey must have looked hurt, because Hermione said polietly, "Let's go for a walk."
The pair went outside and took a walk around the school grounds. The sun was crawling lower and lower into the sky, but still was in good height. Hagrid was outside his house, cleaning up after his lesson with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Joey looked at him.
"That's Hagrid, right? He's a pretty good teacher, though he has some...
conections with dangerous animals. He's better than that Grubby Plank lady though..."
Hermione smiled. "Yeah, he's a really good friend of mine, actually. You want to go meet him?" Joey grinned and let Hermione pull him across the lawn. "Hagrid! Hagrid!" she called.
Hagrid turned around. He was now collecting wood from a huge stack by his house. "Why, 'Ello Hermione!" Hagrid greeted with a huge hug. "Are you Hermione's friend?" he asked Joey.
Joey smiled. "Yes, I'm a good friend of Hermione's." He shook hands with Hagrid. "Joey. Joey Duncan."
Hagrid smiled. "Any friend of Hermione's is a friend of mine," he said picking up some wood. "Why don't you come on in? 'Arry and Ron are in already..." Hagrid went into his house, Joey and Hermione following.
Harry and Ron were chatting by the fire, trading Chocolate Frog cards. Fang was curled up by Hagrid's huge bed. Harry and Ron looked up and saw Hermione and Joey standing in the doorway. Hagrid cleared his throat.
"'Arry, Ron... Hermione is here with her friend, Joey." Hagrid began to feed the fire with a few logs and put the rest in his woodbox. Then he began to chop some vegetables. Harry stood up and offered his hand to Joey.
"I'm Harry. This is Ron," Harry said shaking Joey's hand.
"I'm Joey, a friend of Hermione's," said Joey kindly. Hermione sat down on a chair. Joey sat on the armrest of Hermione's chair. Ron raised his eyebrows, but Hermione gave him a stern look. Ron pulled some Chocolate Frogs from a box. He tossed one to Joey and one to Hermione. Joey ate his frog quiety. Hermione nibbled on hers. Joey tossed his card over to Ron.
"I don't collect these. After I got Dumbledore on the first ten I got, I gave up with them." Joey said, biting off a leg on his frog. Hermione tossed her's over too. She didn't have to explain, she never collected Chocolate Frog cards. Harry and Ron began to trade. Hagrid was dropping vegetables and some tough looking meat into a large black cauldren. Hermione stood up as she finished her frog. Joey stood up as well.
"Bye, Hagrid," Hermione called as she walked out the door, Joey following.
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.