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Old 04-18-2004, 11:41 PM   #379 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

"I'd like to thank you all for coming," Cass called to the group following her as she walked backwards down the hallway. She was dressed in a pert black uniform and matching hat, with a gleaming button saying, "Ask me about MoAFF."

"Why are we here again?" Snape grumbled to Dumbledore. The rest of the group, including McGonagall, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, paused to listen.

Noticing she'd lost her tour, Cass smiled largely and replied, "You're here today to visit our temporary headquarters that the Ministry has so kindly given us until our permanent EE HQ is finished."

They stared at her blankly, and her smile wavered. "And we're giving you free food," she added. They smiled and nodded and moved down the hall. Cass sighed and continued walking backwards.

"On our right is the conference room. I'll have to ask you not to interrupt Zy's current presentation."

They all peered in and saw Zy pacing in front of a small group of people with "n00b" nametags pinned to their robes. "That's it!" Zy ranted. "Turn back to page one! I can tell you aren't even paying attention." She sighed and rolled her eyes. Noticing the group in the doorway, Zy blew Snape a kiss. He scowled and set off down the hall. Cass and the tour hurried to keep up.

"This is our break room," Cass added hurriedly, gesturing to the small room to the left. The SlashMonster and the ShipMonster were dishing over cups of coffee. A stack of pancakes sat between them.

"Broke another club today," Shippy moaned, sipping his coffee.

"That's normal," Slashy replied with the air of a veteran. "Heck, I broke three in one day once. That Ron can get so inappropriate." He shook his head as everyone stared at Ron, who was turning red and spluttering.

"Where'd you get the pancakes?" Cass asked, attempting to change the subject.

"The wizards next door brought them over," Shippy explained.

"We're next to the Bureau for Experimental Charms," Slashy added, reaching for a pancake. "We get all of our food from their left over experiments. These are self-flipping pancakes."

Without warning, the pancakes leapt off the plate and began to smack the two monsters in the face. "Run. RUN!" Cass advised, and the group took off down the hall.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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