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Old 07-20-2007, 08:56 PM
katiebell katiebell is offline
Post Int’l magazine scans – ONE, Com ça and MacLeans

We have a couple of scans of an interview with Dan Radcliffe in French magazine Com ça, thanks to Le Chicaneur.

If you can read French, click here to see the interview in our gallery (click on pic to enlarge).

If you can't, you can find the translated interview here.


In addition, we have several scans from German magazine ONE which has a huge spread on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, including cast interviews and pics.

You can see them all in our gallery right here, courtesy of HarryPotter Xperts!


And finally, thanks to SSer evlpez for scanning Canadian magazine MacLean in which experts predict how the Harry Potter series will end.

You can see all the scans here in our gallery.
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