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Old 07-20-2007, 12:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Chapter 5!!!

Chapter Five: Sleep No More

There was no hope left.

That was the one thought that seemed to plague Harry Potter, Sibyll noted as she watched from afar, as the Order making valiant efforts to put a stop to Lord Voldemort.

But with each passing day, Harry was rebuilding broken and crumbling walls. He’d had a row with Ginny Weasley not long after the Azkaban break-out and she’d shut herself in her room, refusing to speak to anyone till they all came to terms with her fate.

Harry seemed the least willing. He had become quiet and moody. He hardly spoke, but Sibyll always noted the determined set to his jaw in Order meetings and there was a niggling feeling at the back of her mind that Harry Potter was coming up with a plan.

Indeed, a mere two and a half weeks after the Azkaban breakout, while the Order were seated around the table eating breakfast, the Sunday Prophet arrived and one glance at the front page caused a shocked Lupin to spit out his drink.

In turn the paper was passed around and all it took was one glance at the headline before drinks were spit out in shock, food was choked on in outrage, or yelps of fear given in response.

Sibyll was last to receive the paper, which she took warily from Moody. The rest of the occupants looked grim indeed.

Potter Challenges Dark Lord

‘The Chosen One’ calls Him out

Sibyll nearly fell off her chair. She didn’t have to read on to know exactly what this article was about, nor did she need the Inner Eye to know that the challenge would be met.

Looking back at the article, reading through the first page quickly:

Late last night, Harry Potter, better known as ‘The Chosen One’, called a conference with Daily Prophet officials on an urgent matter. His vague words left all wondering, though none would have ever guessed that Harry Potter would do such a daring thing as challenge He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

“The Ministry is no closer to stopping him than they were the first time he was in power,” Potter said to the group at large. “I’m taking matters into my own hands.”

Though Potter refused to explain his reasoning, it is widely believed that he is indeed the only one who can end You-Know-Who. Not two years ago, while the Ministry was still denying the existence of You-Know-Who’s return, Potter and a group of five other Hogwarts students infiltrated the Ministry of Magic, though why no one knows, stopping Death Eaters and the Dark Lord himself and bringing to light their continued existence.

Rumors abounded that Potter and his fellows had been in the Department of Mysteries within the Hall of Prophecy, where it is believed a prophecy concerning Potter and You-Know-Who resided. Those rumors had many believing Potter the only one capable of defeating the Dark Lord and bringing an end to his reign—though it was never proven Potter did state that “I’ve got to do it; who else can?”

Potter requested that the Prophet print his challenge to the Dark Lord for all to see:

“I’m done playing games, Voldemort,(and yes, he did say the name!). I want to finish it. You want to kill me, then come and kill me, or are you afraid of a seventeen year old? Think you can’t? You lost to me when I was one and I promise, this time, I’m going to kill you good and proper unless you can do me first. On the 21st at noon, I’ll be visiting a spot I’m sure you’ll remember--after all, it’s where it started—Godric’s Hollow.

Be there, Voldemort, my half-blooded friend, and kill me for good.”

Potter’s words have caused quite the uproar (cnt page4)

Sibyll put the paper down, not bothering with the rest of the article. She felt her heart pounding madly, her breathing shallow. “When did he—how?” she asked the room at large.

Most shook their heads, but a voice from the door answered, “Didn’t you read it; I did it last night.”

Harry had arrived and now all eyes were on him.

“Harry,” Lupin began, “what have you done?”

“Isn’t that clear? I’ve called him out. I’m sick of this. Ginny’s dying, Dementors are on the loose, Azkaban’s in ruins and he’s gaining power. I’m through.”

“It can’t end when you say it ends—“

“Yes, it can. And it will.”

“Harry, you don’t understand,” Lupin pressed. “This is not like before. Dumbledore isn’t here; Voldemort is powerful and you’re barely of age!”

“Doesn’t matter.” Harry looked to Trelawney. “After all, neither can live while the other survives.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” shot Tonks.

“Exactly what you think it means,” said Harry vaguely.

“Harry, I don’t follow—“

“It goes like this,” he said angrily. “Eighteen years ago, Dumbledore was meeting someone for the Divination post at the Hog’s Head. He didn’t really much care for it, he almost didn’t have the class, but out of respect or whatever, he met with here.” Harry’s gaze was once again upon Sibyll. “He wasn’t impressed. He went to leave, but funnily enough, the applicant actually had something of a talent in the area of prophecy.

“That prophecy foretold of a boy born to two people who’d already defied Voldemort three times. This boy would be born at the end of July and Voldemort would mark him as his equal.” Harry paused to let this sink in, before barreling on, “But there was more to the prophecy. Voldemort didn’t know that this baby would have powers that he doesn’t know about—which is what the prophecy said, isn’t it? Well, apparently, this baby boy is the only one who can stop him and there were only two possibilities: Me or Neville Longbottom.”

There was silence all around the room. Sibyll did not understand… so many years ago… and then it struck her, almost as though she’d been slapped in the face with a bag of ice. She let out a gasp of understanding.

”Nice of you to remember, Professor,” Harry spat.

The occupants of the room were now watching Sibyll. “I—“

“Please, spare me the apologies,” Harry said, holding up a hand. “I don’t need them. You don’t control fate and you didn’t ask for this.” His voice was hard, but it was a different hardness than Sibyll was used to. He was not angry at her; he was simply ready for the war.

“You have come to accept this?”

“I’ve accepted it. I accepted it about a year ago. The Prophet’s right and I’m doing what I was supposed to do. Every Horcrux, except for one has been destroyed,” here he sighed heavily. “Ginny has chosen and accepted her fate. I cannot change her mind.” His face was tight and determined; he did not want this, but he would not cry or let it hinder his ability to kill the Dark Lord. “She wants to fight with me at Godric’s Hollow; I will not stop her, though you might want to,” he looked at Mrs. Weasley, “but don’t expect her to budge.

“She’s sick and I—I don’t want her to die, but now, there just isn’t any other way. If you chose to go with me to Godric’s Hollow, it would be appreciated. I am not so unbalanced as to think that he would come alone.” He let a small smirk play his lips.

The room was silent for a moment. “We will join you, Harry.”

Harry turned to face McGonagall. “Thank you.”

He left the room shortly after, and Sibyll had the strong urge to follow, though she did not. She was sure he was preparing for the upcoming battle with the Dark Lord and she did not want to disturb his musings.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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