Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: Scotland, UK
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Elijah Wilde Graduated | Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret
Thanks for that huge comment Sissa! Quote: Chapter Four: Dream Weaver “You haven’t got much time Sirius Black” Peorth pointed out. Sirius opened his eyes. She was standing over the once unconscious man, now assuming the form of the woman he had seen inside the tree.
This was truly the most obvious thing in the world for him. But in reality, who really did have time? Not even those who have the privilege of going back in time have enough of it.
“Yes, but what can I do? How can I help Harry when I’m stuck in—this place?” he asked, looking at the vast nothingness before him, with just a single tree, which according to this being present before him, this Peorth, was at the very center.
“You shall be contacting him while he is asleep” Peorth replied with a voice so commanding that you would be afraid and considered foolish to contradict, yet so kind that you just might have second thoughts about her.
The song. It had started to play again. Its melodic tones sending vibrations through the air, entering Sirius’ ears…his body…his mind…
“And—and how will I be able to do that?” Sirius asked, still unsure.
“Why, with my help, of course.” She said simply. “I shall transport you to meet him while he is resting, but first I must put him to sleep.” Sirius listened carefully, awaiting further detail to her plans.
She turned to head back to The Tree. Sirius transformed back to a black dog and started to follow, but he was stopped by Peorth.
“I’m sorry, Sirius Black but outsiders are forbidden to enter The Tree of Life, I must ask you to wait here for me and not to wander off” she said, a tone of seriousness in her voice. “This place might not look that much to you, but trust me, ‘tis not the best place to be explored.” And with that said, she turned and tapped The Tree; a single tone could be heard, echoing throughout the Plain of Passing. The Tree opened, and a flash of bright green light emerged from within. The mysterious lady vanished inside The Tree and so did the green light, leaving Sirius behind. …:::♣♣♣:::… Inside The Tree was the most magnificent sight Sirius would never be able to see. Beneath the surface of the decaying tree bark lays beauty, and life, and most of all, magic. With the help of some sort of Enlargement Charm the tree looked like it could be home to all the Weasleys. Faerie lights were used to brighten up The Tree. The furniture was made of the finest wood and leaves that could ever be stumbled upon. The surrounding bark was made to look like shelves, branches intertwining with each other, holding potion bottles and vials filled with mysterious substances. An air of mystery was floating in the atmosphere, bathing The Tree of Life with a glow obviously from the Ancient Magicks that had been used in there before, long, long ago.
Peorth stepped to one of the shelves examining the vials containing what seemed to be colorful swirling smoke. She ran a delicate finger along the vials causing them to touch each other gently, sending tinkling sounds, like Wind Sprites playing with wind chimes. “Ahhh…here it is,” she said in that same singsong voice, taking a single translucent blue bottle.
She walked across the room to where strong mahogany table was. A hard earth bowl and a black bottle sat atop. Peorth hovered above the bowl, staring at its contents intently. The bowl held a silvery sparkling substance, like Unicorn’s blood, or what makes up a Pensieve. Peorth’s eyes glowed mystically and she began to chant in Latin.
“EGO dico super Ancient Veneficus of Majores, audite mihi! EGO scisco super vos regimen iuvo Sirius Black evinco Atrum Senior exercitus of malum tyrannus!”
As she chanted, the contents of the bowl began to swirl. Her chanting grew louder, echoing inside The Tree. Sounds erupted from nowhere. Tinkling sounds grew louder; the sound of chirping crickets could be heard, along with the sounds of screeching and whirring.
“Sino Sirius Black iuvo Harry Potter debello Senior Voldemort ut is may nunquam magis exsisto in medius of victus! Sino suum somnium texo quod mesh una! Tribuo lemma potestas ut contactus unus alius! Plumbum lemma ut locus qua denique pugna vadum ineo ut they vadum exsisto hostilis quod paratus pro quis atrox est advenio!”
The contents swirled faster and faster and then—stopped. Peorth grew silent.
Everything stopped—the swirling, the chanting, the sounds, time. Everything was suspended. Peorth gave off a bluish glow. The bowl radiated a silver glow. The two colors blended with each other, causing The Tree to look like space.
Suddenly, everything erupted back to life. The faerie lights glistened, the vials tinkled from the air of Ancient Magick used. Peorth shifted her eyes to the bowl. The bowl swirled, other colors began to appear. The colors formed into images…images of a troubled boy, having nightmares.
“Harry Potter” Peorth whispered peering into the bowl. “My poor child, have no fear. Your nightmares shall cease and hope shall be brought to you.”
And with this, she took the blue vial and poured the swirling fumes into the bowl. Harry’s once furrowed brow eased signaling a dreamless sleep. She added the contents of the black bottle. The colors swirled inside, and then separated once again segregating the black fumes from the blue fumes. Peorth began to weave the fumes together, forming a strong magical bond between them, and then a light purple mist emerged from the bowl.
“Go outside to Sirius Black…send him to Harry Potter’s dreams.” She instructed the mist. Obeying her, the mist seeped through The Tree’s bark, in search for Sirius. ...:::♣♣♣:::... Sirius sat still outside, waiting. Silence. Darkness surrounded him, engulfed him. His eyes glued to The Tree of Life, awaiting the mysterious lady to come out to fetch him. Still a dog, he lay on his belly, feeling sleepy. His eyes drooped, half open, still waiting. If I haven’t much time, then what’s taking her so long to come out and—but something interrupted his thoughts.
A purple mist seemed to be coming out from somewhere inside The Tree. He raised his head, confused and intrigued. The mist began to surround him, devour him. He tried to run, but his legs would not allow him. His legs turned into putty causing him to collapse on the floor, with a defeated whimper, Sirius closed his eyes and lay on the ground. …:::♣♣♣:::… Everything was dark. Pure nothingness. Harry walked alone in this limbo. “Where am I?” said the boy, his brilliant green eyes searching for any signs of life. He looked straight ahead, maybe find a horizon. Nothing. He felt a surge of panic come over him. He looked to every way he could, then one glance to his left, he saw a figure.
“What is that?” he said approaching it. It was a bench. Just sitting there all alone, like him. But what was it doing there in the middle of nowhere? Harry sat down and stared blankly at space. Then came a sound from behind him. What? Are those swings?
And they were. Harry was now on a sidewalk near a park. What is going on? He thought having the feeling of déjà vu. Then a rustle of leaves to his right, he quickly diverted his attention to the bush there.
Something was behind it. He stood up and dared to go near it. Then, a black dog came from behind it. “Sirius!” he shouted, so relieved and happy, he threw his arms around the dog’s neck. “I thought you were dead—Bellatrix, I saw her and she—and then you—oh Sirius!” everything Harry said didn’t make any sense, he began to tear up but he didn’t care. Sirius broke away from Harry’s embrace.
“Harry, we haven’t got much time!” he said, repeating what Peorth had told him. He wasn’t even surprised that he could speak while in his Animagus form, and by the looks of it, neither was Harry. Yes, this was indeed another strange place. “Follow me. And quickly!” he ordered then bolted on behind the bush.
Harry ran after him, trying to keep up, pushing past branches and leaves. They were now deep inside a forest. “Where are we going? Where are you taking me?” Harry shouted from behind Sirius. Sirius honestly didn’t know the answer to that. He just knew he had to keep running. There was a place he needed to take Harry. It was calling him, beckoning him to come to it. He needed to get there somehow.
“Sirius! I—” but Harry got cut off. There was a clearing up ahead. Harry slowed down to a brisk jog, and once he reached the clearing, he walked slowly to where Sirius was standing.
This was it! This was the place he needed to go to. Sirius wagged his tail happily having accomplished what he wanted. “Harry, this is it!”
“What’s it?” “The place! The place I needed to take you” “But what is this place?” “Look around you”
Harry looked at his surroundings. Everything seemed so alien to him, yet so familiar…like a memory, from years and years ago. His heart pounded in his chest and his head throbbed. “Sirius, this place, what is it?” he asked again. There was no reply. “Sirius?” Harry looked around for his godfather, but he was nowhere in sight.
Harry turned around. “Sirius where—?” he stopped, being faced to a sign. The letters were faded, barely there, really. But the writing on the sign, what it said drew Harry closer to it. He realized where he was. He traced the huge and ancient letter with his index finger. Sirius was right. This was it. He knew where he was. He needed to be here…he belonged here. He stared at the sign. The words were so simple, yet so magnificent. Godric’s Hollow. …:::♣♣♣:::… Harry awoke with a start, his whole body sweating. He sat bolt upright on his bed. “You alright there, Harry?” Ron asked worriedly. “Ron! I saw him! Sirius!” Harry panted. Ron stared at him and blinked, it as if he was looking at a mad man. “But Harry—Sirius is…he’s, he’s dead” Ron said hesitantly. “No…yes…I don’t know, but what I do know is I saw him!” Harry said seriously.
Ron looked at him curiously. Harry noticed the expression on his best friend’s face. “Look, just hear me out…” he said gathering himself. “He somehow went inside my head, he contacted me while I was dreaming and he took me to Godric’s Hollow!”
Ron, suddenly interested, came closer to Harry and sat at the foot of his bed. “Then what happened?”
Harry stared back at him. “I—I don’t know…Sirius, he just disappeared.” He said looking down.
“Harry—” Ron started but Harry cut him off. “All I know is he’s coming back…he’s going to help us, Ron” He said looking Ron right in the eyes. “He will come—he’ll come and help us, one way or another.” …:::♣♣♣:::… Sirius didn’t know what was happening, one minute he was standing in Godric’s Hollow with Harry, the next he’s being pulled back by a very strong force. Sirius waved his legs about, struggling to break free. He started barking madly and kicking the air, helpless. Then, darkness.
Sirius felt like he was having a migraine. “Ohhhhhh…” he groaned. He was lying flat on his back, eyes still closed. He reached for his head and massaged his temples with his fingers. Fingers! He had Fingers! He opened his eyes. Hands! Sirius couldn’t remember that he transformed back to his human form. Maybe someone else did it for him. He raised his head, and there she was, Destiny…Serendipity…Fate…Peorth
She was looking down on him and for the first time, she smiled at him. “Well done, Sirius Black.”
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |