Thread: HoM Pensieve
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Old 07-17-2007, 11:14 PM   #27 (permalink)
LV's Spider Hands
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The young boy, Thomas, moved along the shelves until he found a step-stool and came back to the point he started. He was too short to see the top shelf so, he stepped onto the stool to peer at the bindings of the books. He found another that seemed to strike his fancy but, it was stuck. One more good pull and he fell off the stool onto his backside, the book crashing onto his head.

He looked near tears, though whether from anger, embarrassment, or pain wasn't readily apparent. However, when Thomas, rubbing his head, looked down at the book, his eyes brightened and he smiled. The book, when it had fallen, opened right up to the page he needed...
~Voldemortist for Minister of Magic~
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