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Old 07-17-2007, 09:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Default Sirius Black Fan Club - Sa13+
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SBFC has got its first chapter:

Chapter One: Instant Replay

Sirius had been sitting at home, staring at the tapestry holding his entire family tree when Snape appeared in the fireplace. He had, regretfully, told Sirius to alert the rest of the Order members and tell them to go to the Ministry.

‘Potter and his friends have got themselves in trouble… once again,’ he had said with a sneer. Sirius had rushed around, summoning the other members. Dumbledore had told him to stay at home, but that didn’t work for Sirius. He had to come. If he didn’t, Sirius would feel useless once again, and he couldn’t feel like that. Not when his godson was in trouble.

Once Sirius joined the fight, he felt alive again. It was the first time in a very long time that he actually felt this way. Being stuck in his own home for so long, Sirius had begun to feel useless. But now, as he stood beside Remus and fought his cousin, Bellatrix, Sirius felt alive. Everything seemed to be going right. He knew that he was weakening Bellatrix to the point where maybe, just maybe, he might be able to silence her once and for all.

Sirius looked over at Harry and felt pride well up inside of him. He laughed at Bellatrix as he blocked spell after spell. Then, everything started to go wrong. Before Sirius could block one of them, the curse hit him. But this wasn’t just any curse that a normal wizard might fire off in a duel. This was the killing curse.

Many people say that they can see their life flash before their eyes. This wasn’t the case for Sirius. Just before it hit him, Sirius looked over at Harry and saw his eyes widen. He felt himself fall backwards, then, all went black.

Sirius felt as if he was falling through a black hole for a long while. He finally woke up. He looked at his surroundings as he fell but all was black. After what seemed like hours, Sirius finally landed on something hard. Getting to his feet, Sirius looked at what was around him. All he could see was darkness, but there was one area that he could see light. He heard shouts and screams from this area so he followed the light. Sirius looked through what appeared to be an archway.

‘No, I have to go get him.’ Sirius saw Harry sobbing and trying to free himself from Remus’ grasp.

‘Harry, it’s all right. I’m right here.’ Sirius said in a somewhat raised voice. It seemed as though Harry couldn’t hear Sirius so this time he shouted it. This didn’t help either. Sirius tried to walk through the archway but it was as though it was blocked. He pushed and hit the air, trying to get through. Fully confused and tired, Sirius continued to look out at the scene in front of him. Harry continued to cry. He then noticed Bellatrix, who had begun to run off. Sirius became furious and groped around for his wand.

Where is the blasted thing, he thought to himself, I know it was here just a minute ago. Even more confused then before, Sirius slumped to the floor and looked through the archway once more. The room seemed to be empty, aside from the few wizards fighting death eaters, scattered throughout the room. What was he doing in here? Had he not been hit by something before? Sirius tried to remember what had happened but at the moment, he couldn’t.

When I look into the
all that I see is

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