Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 07-17-2007, 07:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Everything I'm Not - Sa16+

Banner made by: Jor (at the BK Lounge).

Story: So, Hermione has been with Harry for a bit, but he’s a bit controlling...
Scratch that, he’s a control freak.
Hermione puts up with his controlling ways, of him telling her what they’re doing, where to go, etc. Then out of nowhere, a girl switches into their classes and Harry seems to start to grow a crush on this girl. Hermione is jealous and angry, so she decides to use Draco (his idea actually) to get back at Harry and make him jealous.

Will Harry come to terms with how he acts? Will he win Hermione back? Will Hermione really fall in love with Draco despite her promise to herself? Or will everything go down the tubes for Hermione because she realizes Harry isn’t truly worth it...?

Song: Everything I’m Not by The Veronicas.

NOTE: Harry isn’t seen much as a control freak in the beginning, but it’s more because of what comes up later... that and there isn't all that much yet, but it'll get a better.
And this is my first full Sa16+ F.F (I’ve done one-shots, that’s it).

This it my... 18th F.F! (including one-shots and my one two-shot)


Chapter 1
Nearly Late...

“Don’t forget Crookshanks, Hermione!” Jane, Hermione’s mom called after her daughter with the tabby in her hands.

“Thanks,” Hermione said as she took Crookshanks from her mother’s arms.

She quickly said goodbye again and jumped onto the train with two minutes before the doors were planned to close. It was the first time she was this late for the Hogwarts Express. In her mind, it was the first (legitimate) black mark on her previous 6 years at Hogwarts, and she hadn’t even gotten there yet!

Hermione walked down the open expanse, looking into each compartment to find Harry and Ron. Over the summer, she had been the one Harry went to when Ginny refused to take him back once he was able to. Because of it, their friendship had grown until Harry brought it to the next level. Since then, they have been together.

Throughout the summer though, Hermione noticed Harry had changed when around her though. He started telling her what she shouldn’t do, when to wake up, even what to eat. She was surprised, but didn’t say anything, she only assumed he cared enough to tell her these things.

Looking into the next compartment, Hermione saw a messy head of black hair in the window. She smiled and opened the compartment door and let Crookshanks go. He jumped out of her arms and jumped onto the seats and rubbed against Harry. Harry scratched behind Crookshank’s ears and let him prowl away.

“Hey, Mione,” he said when a warm smile upon seeing her lugging her things inside the compartment. She threw her things inside wordlessly and then sat next to Harry.

“Hello,” she said just before Harry kissed her. “How was the remainder of the summer for you?”

“Boring... I wish you stayed at the Headquarters, it was more enjoyable when you were around.”

“I had to see my parents at least once this summer, Harry,” Hermione responded pointedly. “Besides, it’s not like I’d miss out on tanning on the beaches of California to stay in a grimy house.”

“So that’s where this beautiful glow came from,” Harry said as he stroked Hermione’s cheek. A slow smile started to form on Hermione’s face, but quickly dropped when he said, “I still don’t see why it had to be a whole month though.”

“They’re my family, Harry,” Hermione replied defensively.

“Uh... good mornin’...?”

Hermione pulled away from Harry and looked over her shoulder. A pallid, half-asleep Ron stood at the compartment doors, watching curiously.

“Have a good sleep, Ron?” Hermione asked with a smirk as he attempted to pull his things inside.

“Yeah, like always,” he responded sarcastically as he threw his remaining smaller trunks onto the shelves. He sat across from Harry and Hermione.

“How’d you muster the strength to get out of bed if you’re that tired walking?” Harry joked.

“I don’t even want to think about that... anyways, how’re you two? Still at each other?”


“How’re you two doing?” Ron rephrased quickly, smiling brightly.

“Good. Mione nearly missed the train though,” Harry said simply.

“I’m sorry if Crookshanks wasn’t where he was before,” Hermione snapped.

“I told you to get ready early in case something like that happened,” Harry pointed out with a hard edge.

“Funny, coming from you...”

“Guys, can’t you two ever have a conversation without arguing?” Ron cut in.
Harry and Hermione looked at Ron, shocked. Crookshanks went up to Ron and welcome him to the room.


“Out of all the people, that’s all,” Harry said as he got up. He reached up and started to pull down his trunk from the shelves that hung above the seats.

“People can change,” Ron responded defensively.

“That’s been dually noted,” Hermione said. “So how was your remaining summer for you?”

“It went well, I finally got to sleep in a bit for the last few days at least, but mum actually surprised us all when we went to Diagon Alley...”

“What’d she do?” Hermione asked eagerly.

“She bought a cat,” Harry concluded as he dropped his trunk onto the floor.

“I was telling the story,” Ron mumbled.

“It’s ok, Ron. So what kind of cat? What colour? Like Crookshanks or totally different?” Hermione was about to ask more questions, but was cut off by the sound of the horn. She looked out the window and saw the greenery passing by.

“I don’t know any breeds, but this cat was black with silver underneath it, so you can’t say she’s a cat for bad luck. We all named her Onyx because of her colour.”

“Aw, she sounds cute. How old she is?”

“About two months now. Ginny’s got her in the next compartment over with Neville and Loony... Luna,” Ron said quickly as he saw Hermione’s expression.

“So when you feel like it, you should go and check.”

“Yeah, it’s been a few hours since I’ve seen that overly-social thing, I could go with you, Hermione,” Harry said as he pulled out a chocolate frog.

“I’m fine, Harry, I can go by myself,” Hermione responded simply.


“I can survive by myself for a few minutes or hours, thank you very much Mr. No-One-Can-Come-On-My-Horcrux-Hunt!” Hermione snapped, unable to take Harry’s attitude. She stood up and left the compartment, slamming the door.

“What’s eating her?” Harry asked as he handed Ron a licorice snap.

Ron shrugged as he stuck it in his mouth.

Chapter Index:
Chapter 2 - In Ginny's Compartment
Chapter 3 - The New Girl
Chapter 4 - Ginny, Hermione, and The Shadow
Chapter 5 - Harry's Surprise
Chapter 6 - A Plan
Chapter 7 - Ginny Finds Out
Chapter 8 - A Meeting in the Library
Chapter 9 - Harry's Anger
Chapter 10 - A Close Call
Chapter 11 - Snogging and Revenge
Chapter 12 - A Change of Plans...
Chapter 13 - Out Of The Closet
Chapter 14 - Ron Finds Out
Chapter 15 - Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting!
Chapter 16 - A Surprising Visit
Chapter 17 - Hermione's Christmas Surprise
Chapter 18 - The Hogwarts Express PART 1
The Hogwarts Express PART 2
Chapter 19 - All Draco Needs
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 22 - The Couple's Dance Fight and Flight
The Couple's Dance Fight and Flight PART 2
Chapter 23 - Escape
Chapter 24 - Leaving
Chapter 25 - A Chat with Jaimie
Chapter 26

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 10-10-2007 at 04:24 AM.
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