Snape is my man!
I'll start of by saying the books are always better than the movies. Don't expect the movie to be exactly like the book because that's not gonna happen. Acting Daniel Radcliffe: I thought he did a very good job with his acting. Much better than Goblet of Fire. I do think he could have been a bit more angrier. I liked when he screamed at Dumbledore," Look at me!" he should have done more of that. Still, he did a great job especially during the possession scene. Rupert Grint: He was brilliant. I loved how he defended Harry a couple a times and how he attempted to defend Hermione from Grawp and was jealous. He was very cute and funny in this one. Emma Watson: I usually don't like how she portrays Hermione because she makes her seem all girly and Girl Power-y when Hermione is more of a tomboy. But I think Emma did a nice job this time. She was more in charge. Evanna: She was absolutely brilliant. She definitely is Luna Lovegood. I loved her. Some said earlier that she was ditzy and she was not. She was very clever actually. I loved the skipping parts too. She was just perfect. Tom Felton: He was wonderful and gorgeous as always. Not a lot of screen time but he was great whenever he was on screen. I thought his lines were too rushed. They ended like in 10 seconds but he does a great job as Draco. Imelda: She was perfectly evil. She was great. I felt like punching her when she slapped Harry. But Imelda did a great job. Helena Bonham Carter: Brilliant. That smirk she had on her face after killing Sirius...priceless. I can't wait to see more from her. Jason Isaacs: Wonderful. Great Lucius Malfoy. Gary Oldman: I'm going to miss this guy. He was wonderful as Sirius. Ralph Fiennes: Excellent. "You will lose everything." That was great. Alan Rickman: He had very few scenes but he was great in each of them. Michael Gambon: I'm so gald he wasn't all freaking out in this one. He much calmer like Dumbledore is supposed to be. He's making his way back to how he was in PoA and how Richard Harris was as Dumbledore. Natalia Tena: She was a great Tonks. I really liked her but she had very few lines and screen time. I can't wait to see more of her. Shacklebolt: Brilliant.
In all, all the acting was great for the most part. Although adult actors should get more screen time. Likes:
--The Beginning w/ Harry looking at a little boy and his mother
--Dementors, scary things.
--Dudley's demented face was great.
--The Howler-type letter from the ministry
--Harry getting "rescued" from Privet Drive
--Tonks: loved her hair but it could've been shorter
--Grimmauld Place: Very dark and nasty
--Kreacher: Ugly little thing-I think his appearance was decent
--The Weasley Twins: loved how they apparated evertwhere
--Extandable Ears: clever looking things, loved how Crookshanks was playing w/ them
--The Ministry: It looked so cool! Very nice scenary.
--The hearing: I liked how Fudge was shaking when Dumbledore told him Voldie was back
--Dumbledore ignoring Harry made me sad but it was good
--Harry's dreams were very a good way
--Voldemort in a suit? That was funny.
--The Draco and Harry scene was great..too short..but good
--Thestral looked creepy but gentle as well. I liked the baby thestral!
--Luna in the carriage was great. everyone kept looking at her funny
--Umbridge making her speech
--Umbridge as High Inquisitor
--Umbridge's detention
--The D.A's lessons and Neville finding the room of requirements
--The Inquisitorial Squad with Draco and Filch in love w/ Umbridge
--Occlumency w/ Snape
--Umbridge's finding the room
--Dumbledore's awesome escape from the Ministry.
--Shacklebolt's " You gotta admit, he's got style." Funny quote
--Fred and George's escape...brilliant
--Umbridge slapping Harry
--The Department of Mysteries fight
--"Get away from my godson." *punch* That was funny.
--Dumbledore and Voldemort's fight...very impressive
--The possession...I cried in this one and Sirius' death
--The ending: It was ok
--Special effects and cinemography were very good. Dislikes:
--The movie felt too rushed. It would change from one scene to the other too quickly.
--Mrs.Figg was not how I imagined her or acted like in the book.
--Dudley talking was annoying
--Vernon and Petunia should have been more angry
--Seamus' acting wasn't very convincing
--The Kiss: it was a bit too long but ok
--Arthur's attack seemed to happen too fast
--Snape's Worst Memory was too short and James looked nothing like I imagined
--Inquisitorial Squad should have been in the movie more or at least Draco
--The kids should have fought w/ the DE longer before the Order got there
--Harry handing over the prophecy to Lucius
--The fight w/ DE and Order was too short
--Sirius' death was anti-climatic. It was an important part of the book and it seemed like they just zoomed through it. Harry did a nice job grieving about it though.
--Dumbledore talking to Harry afterwards...It should have been more like the book
--They should have included towards the end the part in the book where Draco tells Harry he will pay for sending his father to jail which would then lead on to the 6th movie
If the movie had been 20 minutes longer it would have been excellent. They would have been able to put more detail into some scenes and add some more things. But it wasn't, so it just makes the movie great. Rating: 8/10 |