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Old 07-15-2007, 07:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Default Jason Isaacs Fan Club - Sa13+
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Well done guys! Here is the first chapter:

Chapter 1: Freedom

Lucius Malfoy sat alone in his single cell on his prison bed in Azkaban prison. He had been in the same dark cell ever since that night he was caught for doing what the Dark Lord had assigned him to do: to get the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. It wasn't great being in prison with the Dementors on guard, but one day they deserted their posts to join the Dark Side. Since then, a group of Aurors had guarded the prison and Lucius Malfoy waited; he waited for someone to get him out of Azkaban and to give him his freedom.

It's been ages, Lucius Malfoy thought, as he stood up and began to walk around, the chains connected to his handcuffs following him loudly. For months I've waited to get out of this filthy place. But, no, I have to stay here, not having the feeling of being free in months.

Lucius breathed heavily. He missed his wife, Narcissa, and his son, Draco. He had heard a whisper that his son had been given an assignment by the Dark Lord himself. He was proud of his son. Very proud indeed. If only he could tell his son this face-to-face.

"They'll have to come," Lucius muttered under his breath. "They'll just have to. The Dark Lord will need as many followers as he can get. They'll have to come."

Lucius sat back down on the bed. He rolled up the sleeve of his prison clothes that revealed the Dark Mark. It was slightly burning, a sign that the Dark Lord was getting more powerful by the hour. He put the sleeve back down wondering, just wondering, if the Dark Lord would need him to fight for him in the war.

Lucius lay down on his back. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined that he was far away from the walls of Azkaban. "They'll have to come. They'll come. They'," he said aloud, falling fast asleep.



Lucius woke with a start. Someone or something was trying to get inside the prison. He immediately stood up and walked up to the bars of his cell, chains following him.


"They're here," he shouted, the thudding noises echoing throughout the prison. "It has to be them."

Thud! Thud! BANG!

Lucius jumped. He wasn't expecting the huge bang. He walked backwards until his back hit the wall. He quietly breathed until he heard a soft familiar voice. "Lucius...Is that really you?"

Lucius walked forward, his face to the bars of his cell. "Narcissa."

Lucius saw that Narcissa had threw back her hood revealing her pale face and blonde hair. "Lucius!" Narcissa clenched on to Lucius’ handcuffed hands, tears beginning to flow down her face. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, dear," Lucius said, remembering how it was to feel Narcissa's soft skin.

"Mother! Did you find father?" came a voice.

"Yes, Draco. Over here," Narcissa said, her head slightly turning.

"Father!" Draco said, his face coming into Lucius' few.

"Draco," Lucius said. "I..."

"Lucius Malfoy," came a cool, calm voice. "Nice to see you."


"Yes. Now let's get you out of here. Alohomora!"

Lucius' cell door clicked and it was unlocked. Snape walked into the cell and relieved Lucius from his handcuffs. "Thank you, Severus." Lucius said, his hands finally feeling relieved after all those months.

"Come on," Snape said, walking out of the cell. "We have to get the others.

Lucius followed as Snape and Draco freed the other Death Eaters. Narcissa stayed at Lucius' side. After every Death Eater who was imprisoned was freed, they walked through the passages of the prison until they found the exit. As Lucius walked out, he saw Bellatrix there standing guard and there were fifteen bodies lying on the ground motionless.

"Lucius!" Bellatrix said, noticing that Lucius was looking at the bodies. "Aurors. Didn't see what was coming."

Lucius smiled. "Nice, Bellatrix. Very nice. Took the pleasure in doing it?"

"Oh, yes. My pleasure indeed," Bellatrix replied proudly.

"We can have time for chit chat later," Snape said, walking in front of Bellatrix. "We have to leave this place. Now."

They all began to walk away from the prison without any trouble at all. Snape and Bellatrix lead the way as the rest of them followed. The other Death Eaters were following closely, talking amongst themselves.

Draco walked up next to his mother. "Father, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, son," Lucius replied, looking into his son's eyes. "It's great, this is. Freedom."
When I look into the
all that I see is

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