07-15-2007, 06:31 AM
Harry Potter is "a hard act to follow" In a recent survery conducted by Waterstone's book chain, nearly one fifth of Harry Potter fans admitted that they will skip to the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows before reading the first 608 pages. In fact, that makes seventeen percent in the 500-children poll.
However, a third of them admitted that they will be willing to say up all night to finish it - chances are, girls will read it faster than boys in as little as 30 hours. Nine out of ten children believed that it will be more difficult and upsetting to say goodbye to Harry than Tony Blair, the Prime Minister.
Wayne Winstone, the Waterstone's spokesman, was quoted saying: Quote:
"There's no doubt that Harry will be missed, he's a hard act to follow."
Source: Wizard News |