'Twas a dream, that's why! You do crazy things in your dreams...at least, that's what I do.
Ha ha, go ahead and take Ron...
Here is more!
Ron was waiting for me in the common room so we could proceed to breakfast together. He wasn’t coughing anymore and there was an air of freshness about him, so I instantly concluded that he was well again.
“What took you so long?” he demanded.
“I didn’t take that long,” I retorted.
Ron and I started towards the portrait hole. “It took you another twenty minutes more than it usually takes you to get down here,” he reasoned as we stepped through the hole.
I could feel a twinge of annoyance growing in me. “It doesn’t matter, Ron. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”
“Why would it matter if you woke up on the wrong—“
“Just forget it, Ron—it’s a muggle saying,” I sighed.
Thankfully, he left it as that but we walked to the Great Hall in silence. Why did I waste time explaining everything to someone as thick as Ron? I loved him to pieces, but more times than not I felt like his mother.
Ron had a funny expression on his face as we sat down. “Too bad Harry isn’t here. I wonder how he’s doing.”
I said nothing, feeling guilty that I had barely shed a thought for Harry for a while. Malfoy was the one who consumed my thoughts these past few days. I felt guilty about that as well; Ron was my boyfriend, not that Slytherin prat.
There was something tugging on the hem of my robes. I shifted my foot, but the tugging still continued. Miffed, I looked down and nearly screamed when I saw Malfoy under the table, looking up at me with a half-smirk half-smile on his face. He placed a finger on his lips for me to hush up.
Coughing to replace a shriek, I looked up and reached for some toast to placate my stomach. “What was that, ‘Mione?” Ron asked, puzzled.
“Nothing. Just a cough. Maybe your sickness was a bit contagious,” I babbled hastily.
Malfoy tugged on my robes again. Glaring down at him, I questioned him with my eyes. He held out a piece of paper for me, and I subtly took it, sticking it quickly into my robe pocket.
I didn’t know if I wanted to read what Malfoy had written on that note. There was something in me that was very curious, though. The dream last night gave me shivers and somehow impressed upon my mind Malfoy’s moon bathed face.
“I have to go to the bathroom; I’ll meet you in Charms,” I told Ron on our way to our first class. He nodded and continued down the hall after I went into the girls’ toilets.
Locking a stall and reaching into my pocket, I felt my hands shaking slightly. What was happening to me? Malfoy was a git and I knew it. But last night seemed to stir something more in me, though it was a dream. Shaking my head of such nonsense, I unfolded the paper.
Restricted section, 11 o’clock tonight. Remember it’s the full moon and I know where your parents are. Draco Malfoy.
So now he was threatening me. Why did he want me there? I didn’t have anything that he wanted; I would never betray Harry’s location. There was only one thing to do to ensure my safety.