Eliza wandered into the Library corner, this was her first time in the Library in five years on Hogwarts. She skirted over to the shelves and scanned through the book names.Divination: Are you a seer? No. Flying: A guide to the broom. Nah. Werewolves in West Virginia. No way. She finally picked out one book about Defense Against the Dark Arts and placed it upon a neraby table. She then searched for a book about Quidditch. Once found, she put it with teh other book. Then, feeling slightly odd and not wanting anyone to know, she picked out a book about Thestrals and lay it ontop of teh other two books. Once sure that no one had seen her pick a book about Thestrals to read, she moved over to a nice dimly-light corner and began to scan through each book one at a time. Starting with the Quidditch and then the Thestrals. She loved Thestrals! They were as misunderstood as she was. She'd save the D.A.D.A book till Bakura comes here. Now. On to the Thestrals. |