The door finally opened to the large house and a tall dark haired boy and a short blonde came out, heading for the car parked in the driveway. "Hopefully your mom won't be too mad that your getting home late again..." Quentin said with a smirk. She just shrugged. "Even if she does, what does it matter? She can't stay mad long." In her hand, as usual, was a cold drink with a bendy straw. She slerped on it a little more than noticed a girl across the street. "Hey, isn't that Teresa?" Quentin looked over and nodded as he opened the door to the car. "Yeah. You know she's my neighbor Inez." She just nodded. He assumed she must have forgotten that as well. She tended to forget a lot... "Come on." Inez walked over to the other side of the car and opened the passenger side door. "Hi Teresa!" she finally said with a large wave in the girls direction. "See you at school?"
ooc: Yeah! It's fine that their neighbors! =]
__________________ Mozzie&Quentin<3
Last edited by Austin; 07-13-2007 at 05:55 AM.