Meredith Bradshaw flew into the nearly-empty office and took in her surroundings with sharp dark eyes. Her hand was already halfway to the notepad in the pocket of her jeans as she greeted the unorganized girl Lucy who worked beneath her. "It's nice to see you here early," Meredith observed, completely misreading the clock on the wall to read an hour before it really was.
Today the ever-present stilettos were a shade of hot pink that, along with a yellow robe cut off to just below the hips, popped out from the dark navy of her muggle jeans. Meredith truly loved muggle fashion, especially stilettos.
She whoosed past Lucy before she had a chance to reply, scattering a few papers off the desk. Meredith, a newly graduated student who was loving her higher-than-expected rank, shot a spell over her shoulder to place them neatly back on the desk.
She sat down at her desk on the right side of the room and smiled. I love my job... Meredith thought wistfully. |