Hey! It's Katie once again! OK, this is an idea that is pretty simple. It's a H/Hr shipping fic. The Horror! It takes place during school, and I don't even want to specify the year, cause that's what everybody does, and there's only one more unknown year left. So I shall make my own! Gist of the story:
Harry and Hermione are beginning to notice each other after Ron and Hermione's break-up. Luckily, they were able to remain friends. Hermione and Ron try to go their seperate ways, but Harry wants Hermione to be his. Hermione hooks up with different people, and so does Ron. Harry comes close to hooking up with Ginny, but what shall happen?
"Look, it's Hermione!" Was the cry that rang from the Hogwarts Express. Hermione glanced at the cars to find Harry and Ron waving at her. She smiled and waved back. She did something different to her hair... The thought raced through Harry's mind. He felt something stir inside of him. She's gorgeous....wait, Hermione's my best friend! "Hey boys, what's up?" She gave Ron a brief hug, then turned to Harry. Harry stared at her, bewildered by her change. She looked lovely. Her hair framed her face gently. The mascara that had been applied showed off her hazel eyes, and her clothes weren't so nerdy....she looked hot! Harry began to lean foward, and close his eyes. His lips hit the cold hard glass, and earned him a funny look from Hermione. "Wow Harry...I don't even want to know about your summer now." She sat down next to Ron, and Ron put an arm around her. "But I do. How was it Harry?" "Lonely." Harry sighed and looked out the window. He wanted to believe that he didn't begrudge Ron snogging Hermione, but he couldn't help but be jealous. What was the matter with him?
Hope it get's up!
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7