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Old 07-11-2007, 08:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
Skiving Snackboxes
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kekayana Whispers


Cinematography: Stunning! Hands down the best so far. The long crane shots have always been good, but they've finally discovered perspective and sense of motion so they're absolutely phenomenal. And it turns out they DO have a hand-held! Which makes the action sequences rock! And speaking of actions sequences...

Editing: The editing was perfection. The action scenes were quick and easy to follow, but still exciting. The "slower" scenes were cut minimally which makes them more intense.

Special Effects: Technically, very impressive. Story wise, the fighting in the Hall of Prophecies was greatly enhanced by the 'I am misty fog' effect. It really helped create the 'every where you turn' feeling. HOWEVER, I think it really detracted from the fight between the DE's and the Order in the Veil Room. There was so much 'my fog is bigger than yours' that there was barely any dueling. I think actual duels like the brief duel between Harry and Sirius and Lucius and Bella would have been more intense.

Adaptation: A film can never be as detailed as a book. It's a fact. Considering that, and the fact that there was so much information to relay and things going on in the story, I think they did a pretty good job. Yes, things were left out, combined, moved around; but that's just film. I mean they obviously put a lot of effort into getting in as many little details as they could, even lifting dialog straight from the book. BUT there were a few things I have issues with: namely, the conveyance of Sirius mental state (NOT Gary Oldman's performance, that was first class of course), Snape's Worst Memory, and the final battle.

You definitely feel Sirius' playfulness, his love for and loyalty to Harry, his role of father figure, and his affection for James. Also his disdain for his family, his melancholy, and his feelings of helplessness; but none of his temper and recklessness, very little of his Harry/James confusion, and no deterioration of his mental state as the movie goes on. And like I said before I think this is a script issue, not an acting one.

Uhm...where is the Pensieve? I felt the small montage was really lacking. It does very little to convey just how cruel and arrogant The Mauraders were. I was prepared for no Lily. To include her would create in the audience, just like in Harry, the desire to know how his parents relationship changed and since there would be no time to address it, better just to leave it out. But the distorted flash of memory versus the heightened experience of a Pensieve really took the punch out of it. Not to mention it isn't as great a breach of privacy either, more like just an accident. This was one of the scenes I was looking forward to the most and I feel like it didn't even have it.

As for the Final Battle, the one thing JK emphasizes over and over again is that Harry knows that he cannot give up that prophecy because it's their best protection. He would NEVER just hand it over; he's not that stupid!!

As for Dumbledore and Voldemort, with exception of the fountain (I was very disappointed there, btw), I think it felt very similar to the book. Some have said it made Dumbledore appear weak, but I felt it was emphasizing the same thing as in the book, Dumbledore is just THAT GOOD. Voldy is giving his best stuff yet Dumbledore is countering every spell and with less effort (like the fish look when the all that glass does nothing).

My only other beef with the battle was Harry's possesion. I think it would have been better as just the visual montage without Harry talking at the end. It felt distracting to me; he's fighting for his soul, how is he going to find the time for chit chat?

The only other thing thing that annoyed me enough to write about was Harry and Dumbledore's reconciliation. It was just so weak. So emotionless. Where's the pain? Where's the love? I don't think that scene conveyed their emotional states at all.

Acting: Superb! Daniel's time on stage really helped him improve. He conveyed Harry's turmoil and confusion, his pain, and his nightmares so well. The scene in Dumbledore's office after Mr. Weasley's attack was fabulous!! I think Emma and Rupert's performances were much improved as well, much more natural. Less like they were acting, more like the first film. Especially Emma.

The supporting cast was, of course, astounding!! Evana Lynch was amazing! Snape was KILLER!! And Lucius was BAD***!! Bella and the Twins kicked butt, too!!

Overall: Despite the changes, in the grand scheme, it was overall a good adaptation. It stayed to true to the spirit of the book. The acting was spot on and it was visually lush. Best movie yet!

Rating-9 out of 10
"Not going to have a very good month, are you?" she said sardoncally...
"Ah well, at least I"m forewarned," Ron yawned.
"You seem to be drowning twice," said Hermione.
"Oh, am I?"

Last edited by Skiving Snackboxes; 07-11-2007 at 09:12 AM. Reason: Grammer
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