
It was awesome! I really enjoyed this one. Of course there were a few parts that could have been better, but thats just natural with the hp movies.
*I love Tonks and Lupin but there wasnt much of them.
*There wasnt much info included about Grimmauld place. There was enough but I enjoyed reading about Sirius' past.
*Emma Watsons dancing eyebrows!
*Devon Murray was a bit ... odd? when Seamus apologises to Harry. Im prob just nit-picking tho..
*Snapes worst memory .. I was expecting more
*Micheal Gambon did a better job of portraying Dumbledore in this movie. Personally I really disliked him in number 4.
*The fighting scene between Voldie and Dumbledore was AMAZING. Like no magic you've ever seen before. It was really exciting to see the two most powerful wizards of all time duel.
*I dont think that much was cut from the movie.
*Imelda Staunton was great as Umbridge.
*Effects were outstanding!
Especially Grawp, spells and duels, Fred and George's departure, Department of Misteries, Death Eaters and Dumbledores stylish escape from the minister.
* I liked the kiss scene and the pro kiss scene lol. It was awkward (as it should be lol) and they included Harry's description of the kiss as 'wet' *giggle* and Hermione telling Ron he has the emotional range of a teaspoon.
*Helena Bonham Carter worked Bellatrix! Her look was real rough and dark but at the same time she was sexy and evil lol.
A few things were added which I thought really worked.
I think the movie (including all elements) captured the overall feel of the book and picked up on the different themes.
With all of the hp movies, you need to sperate the books from the movies, because they are completely different and are not supposed to be one in the same, but more a creation based on the plot from JK. The movies are a new level of creation and imagination and it opens the world of hp and helps to lift the text off a page and create a picture of what it could be.
With that in mind, dont go to see it expecting to see your ideas of the book. If you want the book, read it. But if you want the movie, I think you will like it.
Im not that great at ratings but its definately one of the better ones!