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Old 07-11-2007, 12:28 AM   #122 (permalink)
Dan crazy
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: left SS for good
Posts: 11,876

Here's the rest.

Lily sat down beside James in the common room.

"So what happened when Sirius left the room this morning?" Lily asked curiously.

"He tracked down Larissa and threatened her," James replied. Lily leaned against James and looked up at him.

"I feel so sorry for him. I think if Emmy dies he's going to die of depression right along with her," Lily said thinking of Sirius who was still in the hospital wing. He hadn't left all day and he hadn't eaten even a crumb. Madame Pomfrey had tried to force him to leave and go eat something, but he just melted down into a fight of tears and shouts at her.

"It's kind of romantic, like Romeo and Juliet, but I feel sorry for him too," James replied as Remus appeared from the boys' dorm. "Well I gotta go. See ya tomorrow night. Love ya babe."

James kissed her softly and left with Remus. Lily collapsed against the couch thinking of what couldn't possibly poisoned her best friend. There had only been her homework and a box of chocolates on her bed. Lily gasped.

"The chocolates!" Lily muttered under her breath.

~ <3 ~

Alivia and Lily bent over Emmy's bed to look at the box of chocolates. Sure enough only one was eaten.

"Let's take it to Dumbledore," Alivia said. Lily pulled on a pair of rubber gloves that she had taken from a First Aid kit her mother had packed in her trunk and carefully picked up the box of chocolates. The two girls carried the box to the stone gargoyle in front of the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"What's the password?" Lily asked. Alivia gulped. She had no idea.

"I don't know," Alivia replied softly.

"Uh...lemon drops?" Lily guessed.

"Acid Pops-"

"Pumpkin Pastries-"

"Ice Mice-"

The gargoyle flew aside, revealing the spiral staircase to the Headmaster's office.

"Ice Mice?" Lily asked looking at Alivia who shrugged. They entered Dumbledore's office to find him sitting at his desk.

"Professor, we think these poisoned Emmy," Alivia said as Lily put the box on Dumbledore's desk. He leaned over them and took a careful sniff.

"These are most definately poisoned," Dumbledore confirmed and he pointed his wand at the box. A flash of purple light hit it. Lily and Alivia both recognized it as the DNA spell, often used by the Ministry to help solve murders by using it on suspects wands. One person who had touched the box had been...Emily Benson. Seconds later, another name was spelled out in midair. Larissa Yamen!

That's all now. =) Kinda left a little cliffe. Hehe.
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