Ivan popped out from around the corner of the house where he'd been scouting out the territory, oblivious to the strange looks passing muggles gave him. "Ahoy, Jamie," Ivan waved and hurried over to her. He looked up at Mr. George Smith, who was approximately 20 feet off the ground. "Poor fellow," Ivan murmured before turning his attention to Jamie.
"The others should be along soon with their outfits." Ivan himself had gotten fitted with a full muggle doctor's dress from the costumer - charcoal grey suit with skinny black tie, black bowler hat, long white coat, black leather gloves befitting a proper gentleman of his station.
Ivan hadn't been sure what do with strangely-shaped rubber tube - something called a "seth-o-scopic." So he'd shoved it into the shiny black leather doctor's bag pictured in the muggle encyclopedia Ivan had referenced. The bag was filled with the essentials of a practicing muggle healer: bottled leeches, blood-letting bowl, small saw, caster oil (really a powerful sleeping draught to knock Mr. Smith out), and assorted bandages.
"Oh, and I was told to give you this," Ivan handed Jamie a business card. He had one for himself to indicate he was a muggle doctor from a muggle health agency.
__________________  Ivan Callistus: Optimistic Oblivious Obliviator  If only all mistakes could be obliviated...
Last edited by Em's the Game; 07-10-2007 at 02:27 PM.