14. Hogwarts, A History (there I go crazy with parrenthesis (sp.))
14. Hogwarts, A History
Minerva was standing in the library browsing carefully through the charms section. Richard came from behind her and quickly sneaked his arm around her waist. (It was a good thing that he was at an angle where he couldn’t see her face because she rolled her eyes and frowned).
“Hey” he said softly.
“What do you want,” Minerva said unflatered.
Richard seemed offended at her blunt tone but did not show it. “You,” he said his face advancing toward hers.
She had had enough. She wacked him with the book she was holding (which happened to be Hogwarts, A History.)
Last edited by looneylovegood; 07-21-2007 at 02:10 PM.