Director, David Yates, said at the U.S. Order of the Phoenix premiere that he and his team are working on making the most memorable moments of Half Blood Prince into film-format.
He is quoted saying:
Originally Posted by Yates
"We're making a decision right now to compress those a wee bit, but we've still got some really cool ones. We've got, you know, the wonderful thing is seeing Riddle as a child, which is really scary, and I've found a really interesting kid to play Riddle. I can't tell you who it is yet -- it's early days."
Producer, David Heyman, expounded on this by saying:
Originally Posted by Heyman
"There will be memories, but not as many as there are in the book." When I asked which ones they're cutting, he said, "I can't say that yet because it's still a work in progress. We haven't locked up the script yet."
And on the subject of the casting of Lavender Brown, and Tom Riddle, Heyman said rthey will be announced in a
Originally Posted by Heyman
"couple of weeks, maybe."