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Old 07-08-2007, 02:47 AM   #10 (permalink)

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24/7 Radio Fan Lord Voldemort's Right Hand

Otis sat in the wooden chair behind the counter, his back straight as a board and his hands folded on the counter. His brown eyes swept the cafeteria, once, twice, three times. A few Ministry workers were scattered around the tables, some eating, others also observing.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a glass of kiwi juice crash onto a worker's plate; Otis immediately clicked his fingers. A house-elf appeared.

"Table seven, Lindy," he said in his hoarse voice, and the house-elf scuttled off to the table to pick up the glass.

Otis re-folded his hands and glanced at the fake windows. Nasty weather, he thought as rain pounded against the window panes.
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