::squawks:: Rhinestone Ravvie "Eat up. I baked them me self!" He grinned and popped it into his mouth. Bit down and then immediately found a napkin and spit it out. He snatched the cookie out of the man's hand before he could try them. "Strike that - bad idea. I'm not baking cookies again any time soon. Mmmm....maybe cake. YES! I a cake. Hear that everyone!?" He looked around the room. "I'm going to bring in a cake next week, and you all better try it!"
He turned back to the man in front of him. "So - who you looking for?" He grinned lopsidedly at the strawberry-blond, blue eyed man in front of him. Quote: She smiled as she stuck her hand out so he could shake it. "Hello. I am Estelle Evanstar." He shook the girls hand vigorously. Trism Braun. Nice to meet you. Both!" He reached over and with his left hand shook the man's hand.
Last edited by Hawken Terrell; 07-08-2007 at 01:21 AM.