Wonky Knee In the entire Ministry, if there was one room Estelle knew how to get to without getting lost was the 'Break Room'. It's not that she got lost all the time. But there were times when she didn't know where to go. The department itself was massive with a huge number of identical doors which particularly annoyed her. She had expected that two months would have been more enough for her to know her way around the department, but apparently, that wasn't the case.
Estelle apparated just outside the break room which had become sort of like a common room to a lot of people. She made her way in with a few files and two books in her hands and glanced around the room. It was empty. Well, maybe she was a little early today. She glanced at the watch.
Yup. She was early. Shrugging her shoulders, she made her way towards the comfy chairs. The ones which were so soft that you could sink in. Dumping her stuff on the side table, she sat down and flipped through a magazine which lay nearby, waiting for her day to start. |