Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Kristi looked up at Darrin as he held her at arm's length and was surprised as he just stepped away. What was his deal? One minute she thought they had formed some sort of understanding and the next he's off in his own little world. Of course... She sure wasn't as quick with the thinking anymore. Of course Darrin would be upset about Marcella kissing Archie. After all, wasn't all this vehemence toward Snape just jealousy? Not really hearing what he had mumbled to himself, Kristi put a hand on Darrin's shoulder, "I'm sorry it wasn't you she turned to. But, a lot has happened since she left Durmstrang. People move on, you know. And besides, I think you've been scaring Marcella with this whole forcing her to talk things out for her own good business."
Blast from the past! |