Chapter 6 The next chapter!
His last words echoed in my ears. My mind flickered back to the time when Harry, Ron, and I had been spying on him in Borgin and Burke’s. A shiver swept through my body. I had no doubt in my mind that Malfoy would be true to his word.
I ran. I ran down the flights of stairs to the Great Hall. For a moment, I forgot what I was thinking about. The chatter of students met my ears and I dashed in, looking above everyone’s heads for Professor McGonagall. I have to tell someone.
She was sitting at the staff table, talking in a low voice to Professor Flitwick. There were large bags under her eyes and I felt a pang inside my chest.
Catching my eye, she gave me a questioning gaze. I hesitated, not knowing if I should interrupt. Opening my mouth, I started to tell her, but closed my mouth before any sound came out. I remembered what Malfoy had said.
“Is anything wrong, Miss Granger?” Professor McGonagall inquired.
Not able to speak, I shook my head and headed to the doors to exit. But the fact that I was in the Great Hall, supposed to be eating, occurred to me. I did not have any appetite anymore. But I wrapped some kippers and toast in napkins to give to Ron and Harry.
Thankfully I had an unhindered trip back to Gryffindor tower. Ron immediately pounced upon the food the moment I entered and wolfed it down, giving some to Harry. It seemed that the messy-haired boy finally got his appetite back, because he started eating as well. I couldn’t say the same for myself.
“You okay, ‘Mione?” Ron asked when he finished eating.
“I’m fine,” I lied, forcing a smile. Glancing outside, I caught sight of the shining sun upon the grounds. Going outside was temporarily forbidden; the dragons were not cooperating, choosing to blast anyone in their paths.
Harry was looking pensive again. Ron poked him in the side. “You okay, mate?”
“Yeah,” Harry assured him in an emotionless tone. He, too, managed a meager smile. I looked at him suspiciously. “I am, ‘Mione,” he said.
Pushing the thoughts away that were weighing me down, I suggested, “It’s a nice Saturday morning; why don’t we get some homew—“
“Exploding snap!” Ron instantly overrode my idea. “Sounds good to me. You up to it, Harry?”
Perking up, Harry nodded, the light returning to his eyes. “I’m up for it, Ron, if that doesn’t mean I’m doing homework.”
“Boys,” I muttered, stumping to my dormitory to get some work done.
I found that when I reached my dorm the strength and motivation left me, and I swayed on my feet. Malfoy’s voice was hissing in my head, echoing off the walls. Gripping my head, I fell onto my bed. My chest clenched up as reality crept into my being. The options were to tell someone about Malfoy’s presence in the school and send my parents to their deaths or to keep quiet about what I knew of Malfoy and spare my parent’s lives.
But what disaster would be wreaked if I told no one? Why was Malfoy here, anyways?
I decided that I couldn’t inform anyone just yet. I planned to, though.
__________________ On hiatus.
Last edited by Christian; 07-07-2007 at 04:02 AM.