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Old 07-06-2007, 07:26 PM
r+h4ever1 r+h4ever1 is offline
Post Stephen King Bids Harry Potter Farewell

Stephen King, widely acclaimed writer and Harry Potter fan, wrote his formal farewell to the Potter era in his column in Entertainment Weekly magazine. With only two weeks to go until the final installment of the Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is released, King expresses the sentiments of many loyal Harry Potter fans worldwide.

He writes:
When it comes to Harry, part of me — a fairly large part, actually — can hardly bear to say goodbye. I’d guess that J.K. Rowling feels the same, although I’d also guess those feelings are mingled with the relief of knowing that the work is finally done, for better or worse.

And I’m a grown-up, for God’s sake — damn Muggle! Think how it must be for all the kids who were 8 when Harry debuted in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, with its cartoon jacket and modest (500 copies) first edition. Those kids are now 18, and whem they close the final book, they will be in some measure closing the book on their own childhoods — magic summers spent in the porch swing, or reading under the covers at camp with flashlights in hand, or listening to Jim Dale’s recordings on long drives to see Grandma in Cincinnati or Uncle Bob in Wichita. My advice to families containing Harry Potter readers: Stock up on the Kleenex. You’re gonna need it. It’s all made worse by one unavoidable fact: It’s not just Harry. It’s time to say goodbye to the whole cast from Moaning Myrtle to Scabbers the rat (a.k.a. Wormtail). Which leads to a interesting question — will the final volume satisfy Harry’s longtime (and very devoted) readers?
But there’s comfort. There are always more good stories, and now and then there are great stories. They come along if you wait for them. And here’s something I believe in my heart: No story can be great without closure. There must be closure, because it’s the human condition. And since that’s how it is, I’ll be in line with my money in my hand on July 21.
And, I must admit, sorrow in my heart.
Thanks to TLC.
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