ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll Chapter 8, Part 1 Arora sprinted down the halls of the castle running to the dungeons at full speed.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
“Hey watch it!”
Arora crashed into the dungeon room with a clatter, panting like an animal, her voice echoed off the tall unfriendly walls bringing her attention to the figure in front of her.
“Thank you for joining us, Miss Aurora.”
Aurora cringed and sneered back at Professor Snape. “Us?” She asked Flitch glancing at Snape.
“The Professor has agreed to help me with your punishment.” Flitch said, “Rather hand you up by your legs from the roof like in the old days but good old Dumbledore disagrees.”
“Go Dumbledore,” Arora said under her breath.
“Well don’t just stand there! Flitch will lead you to your punishment, in the Forbidden forest.” Snape exaggerated these last few words but Arora wasn’t listening, rather like she did in Snape’s lessons. She thought that he simply wasn’t worth the time.
One thing she did catch however, was the fact that she wouldn’t be having detention with Snape. A smile spread over the girl’s face as she turned around and followed Flitch out of the door. |