In a
new interview Emma Watson has spoken about friendship, University and her acting career.
"My mum was determined I would stay in touch with friends, particularly people who knew me before. You need to maintain your friendships and really work at them because they're just so important. They keep you very grounded and they keep you sane. I couldn't cope with all the stress of being in this position if I didn't have my strong friendships."
"I'm kind of looking around, but I'm not really sure of where I want to go yet," she explains. She's also a realist about such matters. "I guess the thing about university is that it's not necessarily about where you want to go but where you can get in."
"I feel more comfortable in who I am and in my abilities. I guess what was really scary at the beginning was that I had never acted before. I had never done anything like this before. There was just the sense of never knowing what I was doing and just feeling overwhelmed by everything. I couldn't believe in myself for a long while."
Now she does, but she still can't stand watching herself on screen.
"I'm hypercritical," she laughs. "I think all actresses are. I have a difficult time actually allowing myself to enjoy the film because I'm so critical."