Ali's Apprentice | | SuperEvilAwesomePanda! Jolie laughed at Ryan. "Not so funny when they hide your socks or your homework, right Pumpkin?" She asked sweetly looking at the kitten roll over on her stomach.
Jolie looked over at Mallory and giggled, "I'm sure she's having a blast." She replied.
Pumpkin blinked her amber eyes at Ryan in a way that she seemed to understand him. Jolie folded her arms over her chest. "Hmm, allright then - shall we go to one of my favorite spots here at Hogwarts than?" She asked Mallory and Ryan with a large smile.
Jolie looked over at the Slytherin who'd tripped. "Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned tone.
__________________  Ashlie luffs her Brittanda SO much. <333
Last edited by Pandalicious; 07-03-2007 at 01:13 AM.