Join Date: Oct 2003 Location: Leicester
Posts: 818
| Aftermath - Sa13+
Harry stood silently looking down at the body at his feet. Tom Riddle’s body lay lifeless before him. Shock didn’t begin to express how he was feeling. Harry almost expected Riddle to stand and utter one last curse, but he really was gone, forever. Harry had been fighting him for what seemed like minutes but he knew it must have been over an hour since he had lured his nemesis away from his Death eaters and duelled with him one on one. He was suddenly motivated into movement as he remembered his friends, and Order members fighting Death Eaters. He bound Riddle’s body with his wand and levitated it in front of him as he took his wand and pointing it directly over his head he conjured the sign of the Phoenix.
Half a mile away in the streets of Hogsmeade Village, a hush fell over the battleground as a yell rang out.
”The Phoenix!”
As the eyes of those in battle rose up to the night sky and saw for themselves golden sign of the Phoenix above them, each took a moment as they absorbed the magnitude of what they were seeing. Only Harry Potter had the ability to conjure that mark, and it’s appearance in the sky told them that Lord Voldemort was dead. The war as they knew it was almost over.
Ron Weasley looked around him. Bodies lay strewn across the streets, inside the homes and stores of the village. A silent tear ran down his face as pride for his best friend flooded through him. Harry had done it. He’d fulfilled his destiny. Ron began walking towards the sounds, which told him that some were still fighting for their lives inside The Three Broomsticks. He paused as he walked through bodies strewn across the ground as he saw a familiar head of red hair not far from where he now stood. Ron ran the few steps, and fell to the ground beside his brother.
“Fred!” Ron felt his world was falling apart until he found a very weak pulse in his brothers wrist, he lifted his unconscious brother into his arms, his wand still drawn to protect them against attack as he prepared to apparate to St. Mungo’s. He spun around as he heard a distinct ‘pop’ behind him, and cried with relief as he saw George behind him.
“He’s still alive.” Ron said weakly as George ran to them.
“I could tell he was dying.” George said through tears as he took Fred from Ron and with a look of deep understanding and emotion, George disapparated, holding his twin in his arms. Ron looked to the ground where Peter Pettigrew lay dead. Pettigrew had done that to his brother, but it seemed Fred had fought back and won. Taking one look at the man responsible for the death of Lily and James Potter, Ron turned and now ran towards the sounds of fighting which still continued.
Hermione Granger was shooting curses from her wand, as fast as she was blocking and dodging the curses Lucius Malfoy sent her way. Blood was streaming from a cut on her arm, and small cuts covered the left side of her face and the entire left side of her body, a visible after effect of being flung 20 feet backwards through the window of The Three Broomsticks having been hit by one of Malfoy’s curses. Despite her injuries, she felt no pain, she was intent on surviving this battle, and ridding the world of Lucius Malfoy, she could focus only on the current moment. She hadn’t allowed herself to give think of the safety of her friends or surrogate family, and she couldn’t let herself contemplate Harry’s fate as he battled with Voldemort. She opened her mouth and yelled two words she had never as an innocent eleven-year-old witch, thought she would ever be forced to utter.
“Avada Kedavra”
Lucius managed to dodge the curse, though several rays of the green light refracted from the mirror behind him and struck him in the chest weakening him significantly. His Death Eaters mask had long since fallen from his face, and took satisfaction in noting that his blonde hair was matted to his forehead with sweat from their lengthy duel. Both had cast several killing curses, though neither had yet succeeded in their purpose. Hermione was aware of the long animosity between herself and Malfoy, and whatever the outcome, tonight was the end. She could feel herself becoming tired as her injuries took their toll, she focused her gaze on the weakened man before her as he clutched a broken table. Her gaze didn’t falter as their eyes met, his filled with hatred, her own with determination as she uttered the curse which would change her life forever.
“Avada Kedavra.”
Hermione’s hand was steady as a steady jet of green light shot from its tip and made contact with Lucius Malfoy’s chest, his eyes widened in shock as he fell back against the wall, his life extinguished.
Ron Weasley stood gazing through where the window of The Three Broomsticks had once stood as Lucius Malfoy fell backwards to his death. He ran forwards, just a moment too late to catch Hermione as she collapsed to the floor of the pub. It had taken him so long to reach her as he’d hexed and cursed his way through the remaining Death Eaters to where Neville had shouted Hermione had last been seen, as he himself duelled. Ron fell to his knees beside his friend.
Her eyes opened and she looked dazedly at Ron.
“Ron? You’re ok.” She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she thanked God for his safety.
“Hermione, relax, it’s over…” Ron said gently.
“It’s over?” She asked panicked.
Ron immediately guessed the source of her panic – she hadn’t seen the signal, so supporting her, he helped her to her feet and they made their way to the window.
“Look up Hermione. Look at the sky…”
Hermione gasped, and tears racked her body as she saw the Phoenix glowing in the sky.
“He’s alive.” She gasped out through her tears.
“We did it Hermione.” Ron whispered as they stood, Hermione leaning against him as the pain from her injuries began to register in her mind. The world became black as Ron picked her up and apparated to St. Mungo’s.
Harry knew his first job was to take Riddle’s body to the Ministry for clarification that Voldemort was most definitely dead. But every fibre of his being was itching to find his friends. He knew the battle was now over, it had continued on after his signal, but word had now reached the Wizarding Court that the war was over. Harry stood in the centre of a court room he now knew well, the body of Lord Voldemort at his feet as Ministry MediWizards completed the certification of his death, and Harry answered the questions of the panel, most who still looked stunned beyond belief to see The-Boy-Who-Lived before them, finally victorious in his battle against the Dark Lord. He gave his account of the battle, and the last moments of Voldemort’s life, as he described how he had shot the symbol of the Phoenix into the air, Harry saw that several panel members, including Minister of Magic Minerva McGonogal now wept openly in relief. Even Rita Skeeter and her Daily Prophet photographer wept as they documented the scene in front of them. Eighteen-year-old Harry Potter had defeated Lord Voldemort, the Order of the Phoenix had killed and captured the Death Eaters…the war was truly over.
Harry sank into the seat provided for him, and he listened as Kingsley Shacklebolt related the events of the rest of the battle to the panel. Harry tensed as Kingsley was asked about losses, and injuries.
“Fred Weasley, is still critical, but we’re optimistic. However, I’m afraid to say that Mad-Eye did not make it…he jumped in front of Arthur Weasley and took a curse from Bellatrix Lestrange…” Kingsley said, unshed tears in his eyes as he spoke of the loss of his friend and colleague.
“Any other serious injuries?” McGonogal asked anxiously, once Kingsley had detailed the brief list of dead and critical.
“Miss. Weasley is now conscious again and will make a full recovery, and I believe Miss. Granger is now stable following her duel with Lucius Malfoy…” Harry didn’t hear another word as he shot of his seat and ran to Kingsley.
“Hermione?” He gasped anxiously. The crowd in the courtroom were shocked to see and hear the fear and pain in Harry Potter as Kingsley mentioned Miss. Granger’s injuries, for her had appeared so calm in discussing the dark wizard bound before them.
“She’s in St. Mungo’s…” Kingsley began to explain, but Harry was already running towards the doorway on the opposite side of the courtroom, to get to the apparition point, the doors burst open before he reached them however and two figures ran into the room.
The moment Hermione had regained consciousness; she had grabbed a potion to dull the pain of her injuries and had simply looked at Ron. He understood, and picking up his best friend he apparated to the Ministry, she was still very weak, but he knew she’s refuse all treatment until she saw Harry was alright for herself. Ron felt the same way; he needed to see his best friend, his brother…
As they arrived in the Ministry they practically threw their wands to the security wand and Hermione seemed to forget her pain as she ran flat out through the maze of corridors, Ron close on her heels, desperate to find Harry.
Harry stopped as the doors in front of him burst open, and there she was, her hair wild, her face flushed and covered in cuts, blood encrusted on her clothes, bandages surrounding her left arm. Harry finally let the tears fall as he took the final few steps towards her, and then she was in his arms. They stood crying, holding onto one another as if they would never let go. Eventually Harry pulled his face from where it was buried in her hair, and cupping her cheek in his hand he smiled at her through the tears.
“It’s over. It’s going to be ok.” She whispered softly, smiling up at his green eyes.
He picked her up and swung her around in happiness, so glad to have her close. She laughed softly as he put her back on the ground, before all the laughter died in her throat as he lowered his head and kissed her.
Nothing had ever felt as right as it did at that moment to Hermione. She had been in love with Harry Potter for a year, her best friend. They had loved each other from afar since leaving Hogwarts, not really out of choice but out of necessity. She hadn’t seen him up close in nearly three months; they both knew how important it had been that they remained focused on fighting the war. It had broken her heart to be apart from him, only Ron knew of their feelings for one another, and he had faithfully brought them news of one another whenever he could, calming their worries over the others safety as battles and skirmishes broke out all over the country and with their teams they fought.
They had shared only one kiss, it would have been torture to experience anymore of the immense happiness they shared together and then be torn apart. As much as they longed to be near each other, they had to think of the long-term and the future of the Wizarding world, and so they had simply exchanged a silent look of understanding and gone their separate ways.
Ron entered the courtroom and grinned widely to see Harry and Hermione together at last. He had a feeling they had forgotten where they were, and the fact that they eyes of the most important figures in the Wizarding Community were now on them as they were reunited with a kiss. He approached them reluctantly, not wanting to interrupt the moment, but knowing Hermione needed to return to St. Mungo’s to be properly healed. He smirked to himself as he saw several flashbulbs go off as the Wizarding Press documented the tender moment. The Famous Harry Potter was in love, and at that moment they could think of no one who deserved more happiness.
Ron tapped Harry on the shoulder, and was prepared to block a punch from his best friend for interrupting but instead, Harry and Hermione pulled apart, and looking around them sheepishly they blushed and Hermione laughed as the courtroom erupted into applause. Harry pulled Ron into the tight hug, and the three of them stood clinging to one another for a moment, before Ron whispered in Harry’s ear.
“We need to get back to St. Mungo’s, we escaped the nurses to get here, but she’s still badly injured.” Harry’s gaze shot up to meet Ron’s in worry, as the two of them put arms around Hermione and supported her as they headed back to the doorways. Minister McGonogal called order to the court as she watched The Trio walk slowly out of the room; she smiled softly to see them safe and together, as they should always be.
“Well, I think we can excuse Mr. Potter from the rest of these proceedings…” She said to laughter from the gathered wizards and witches. Harry turned and winked as he, Ron and Hermione reached the doorway.
“Gentlemen, if you would remove the body from the courtroom, we are done here for this evening, I know I am not the only individual anxious to reach St. Mungo’s and to find friends and relatives…Let us be thankful that this dreadful war is over, but let us never forget those who have sacrificed their lives, and those who have lost so much at the hands of Lord Voldemort. We must mourn, but we must also celebrate. Freedom has returned to our world.” Applause again rang out as the Minister strode from the courtroom and made her way to St. Mungo’s. She visited all those injured in battle, and sat in contemplative silence with Molly Weasley as young George sat in constant vigil with his twin. She cried tears of joy as Fred awoke, and the Weasley family stood together once again. Minerva walked silently through the room of the deceased, laying a hand gently over the hand of friends, saying silent goodbyes, and thanking those who had brought about this peace. Her final stop was a small private room, guarded by two very familiar faces.
“Remus, Nymphadora.” Minerva smiled as she took in the tired but happy faces of the pair sitting on a bench blocking the doorway to the room, her gaze took in their entwined hands, but she said nothing, simply smiled at them as they stood to greet her with hugs.
The three of them opened the door and stood silently watching as a Medi-Witch healed Hermione’s wounds. Hermione was fast asleep, her head resting on Harry’s chest, their arms tightly around one another, and soft smiles on their faces.
As they closed the door behind them and returned to the hallway Minerva asked them quietly.
“Did you know?”
“I had a suspicion, but it seems only Ron knew. He tells me he’s been their contact for the last year, they’ve avoided seeing each other for the greater good of the Order, so Harry wouldn’t be distracted…so selfless, so brave…” Remus said proudly, his voice cracking slightly as he was reminded of another very similar couple who had been less fortunate in their fate.
“I take it you’ll be guarding them against unwanted visitors?” Minerva asked quietly. Remus and Tonks nodded.
“If you let them know when they awake that Fred Weasley has regained consciousness…Ill be in touch with them in a few days, I believe they’ll need some time to adjust.”
“I’ve taken care of it.” Remus said with a smile.
“The house at Godric’s Hollow has been rebuilt for Harry, no one know of this bar ourselves, and it is unplottable, I believe they’ll be able to get some peace there. As soon as Hermione is well enough I’ll take them.” Remus said.
Hermione awoke in the morning to find herself curled up with Harry. She looked up at his face and saw he was awake, his green eyes looking at her intently.
“Morning.” She whispered.
“Hey Sleeping Beauty.” Harry whispered back, kissing her forehead tenderly.
“You ready to get out of here?” He asked her with a grin. She nodded with a smile. Hermione stood stiffly, and held onto Harry’s arm for support. He draped his cloak around her shoulders, and with an arm around her waist, he hugged her gently to his side.
“Where are we going anyway?” Hermione asked as they walked towards the door.
The End