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Old 04-13-2004, 03:08 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wilmington Delaware
Posts: 215

this one is about the earth

our land

are you a free spirit
like the indians are
can you feel the warmth
of the wind on your face
is nature and the indians
talking to you
telling you about its land
and how precious it is
if your a free spirit
you can hear there voices
telling you about the past
and furture of our land
voices that say
make me proud
and preserve our land
so furture generations
can see its beauty
and use it
as the indians once did
our land is priceless
and we are to
so listen to the voices of the past
and save its land
for the children
for our furture

leah mae
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