Hello! I've got a long post for you, to make up for the days I haven't posted.
DISCLAIMER- I do not own any of these charcacters, they belong strictly to JK Rowling. :sad:
Hermione opened her eyes. She realized that she was in the Hospital Wing, in one of the metal beds with clean white sheets in the corner of the room. There was a vase with daisies in it at the foot of her bed. She couldn't remember anything from the night before, except that she had been crying so hard that she could hardly breathe, and then the whole world turned black. Hermione sat up as Madame Pomfrey walked in to check on Hermione and the other patients that were sitting in the room.
"Hermione! Thank goodness you are up! Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter brought you in just as soon as I was heading off to bed. You seemed to have fainted, though I'm still not exactly sure what you have..." Madame Pomfrey raised her wand and called, "Accio medicine tray!" A large tray of medicine swooshed out of nowhere and hovered in midair as table legs sprouted out of the bottom of the tray and made an odd looking table on the ground. Madame Pomfrey fussed with them for a moment before snatching a green glass bottle of medicine. "Aha!" she said in triumph as she poured greenish-brown liquid into a glass. She handed it to Hermione. "Drink up," she ordered. Hermione drank the medicine, which tasted a lot like turkey broth.
Madame Pomfrey took the glass and tapped the side of the medicine tray. The legs began to walk, and they followed Madame Pomfrey. "Mr. Duncan will be in soon." Madame Pomfrey said with one glance at the clipboard at the foot of Hermione's bed.
Hermione cocked her head. "Who?" she asked in curiosity.
Madame Pomfrey shrugged. "Mr. Duncan. I think his name's John, Jimmy..."
"You mean Joey?" asked Hermione excitedly.
"Yes, that's the one." Said Madame Pomfrey with a smile. "He'll be in around lunch hour.
Hermione lay back in the pillows. At least there was something to look forward to...
Around noontime, Madame Pomfrey walked in with Joey. "She's right there, Mr. Duncan." Hermione was reading a thick book, and taking notes on it; Harry and Ron had come in earlier and apologized, along with the assignments that they had gotten that morning and a large box of Chocolate Frogs.
Hermione looked up. "Hello Joey," she said as she closed her book and stacked her papers neatly.
Joey walked over and handed her a huge bouquet of flowers. "Hello Hermione," he said with a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "These are for you."
Hermione sniffed them and gave them to Madame Pomfrey who put them in a large vase and set them on her bedside table. "Thank you, Joey," she said quietly.
He knelt down and took her hand. "How are you feeling," he asked.
"Better, but Madame Pomfrey insists that I stay another day. Harry and Ron are bringing me my assignments so I don't fall behind," said Hermione.
Joey leaned in and kissed Hermione gently on the forehead. "I've always loved that about you," he said soothingly.
Hermione giggled and gave him a small peck on the cheek. They spent the next hour talking. Joey pampered Hermione with soft kisses and hugs, and Hermione loved it. When Madame Pomfrey insisted that Joey head to his next class, Joey leaned in for a last kiss. This one was longer, but not very passionate. He promised to visit again that evening, after Ron and Harry. After he left, Hermione couldn't help think how lucky she was to have such a great boyfriend.
Hermione recovered from what Madame Pomfrey called 'a sudden attack' and was let out the next morning. She met up with Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table and gave them the rest of the Chocolate Frogs that she didn't eat (which was most of them). When she turned to the Slytherin table, she saw Joey grinning at her. He pointed to the exit to the Great Hall and left. Hermione stood up and left also.
When she walked into the corridor, she saw Joey leaned up against the wall. She ran over to him and threw her arms out for a hug. He opened his arms and they hugged briefly. Joey grinned and said, "I missed you Hermy."
Hermione grinned. "I've missed you too, though it hasn't even been twelve hours since I saw you last."
Joey grabbed Hermione around the waist and kissed her. "I can't seem to bear even a second not with you," he said soothingly. Hermione smiled and said sincerely, "I have to get to class now. I have some papers I want to give to my Professors."
Joey cracked a smile. "Okay. See you later then," he said heading back into the Great Hall. Hermione waved and ran toward her next class.
That should keep you busy until I post next (which will hopefully be soon). Remember, three posts please!
Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.
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