Thread: Avid - Sa16+
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Old 06-27-2007, 03:51 PM   #38 (permalink)
Romanian Longhorn
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Shannon 'Shan' Parker
Fourth Year
Cool Chapter 5 =]
JGL ♥ | Wifey + SexyCPR = RAWR. | Co-Inceptor♥ | CHLOCHLO! | Rollie = My Ship

Here's your daily dose of Avid, peeps

It was two hours until breakfast. Until everyone woke up. Half an hour since my walk with Draco. Boy, was he warm. That's all I could think of, how warm he was when I clinged onto him when I was scared. I'd never felt anything so warm, I'd always been cold, like I was dead. Even though I felt frightened, I also felt .. happy. He kind of gave happy energy to our surroundings, even though he was in Slytherin and had cold grey eyes. Apparantly. Not to me. My eyes were much colder. My eyes actually gave you a cold shiver down your spine.
I carried on thinking about Draco until 7:00am. Hayley was the first to wake up.
"Wow-" She said staring at me.
"- How long have you been up?" She asked me, whilst getting up but still wondering why I was dressed and wide awake.
"I went for a walk earlier"
"How long's earlier?" Hayley brushed her long black hair and pushed it out of her face.
"About .. two hours?"
"Really?! Weren't you tired?"
"Nope. That's why I went for a walk"
"Where d'you go?"
"Outside, the lake to be more specific" Hayley looked at me after the word Lake.
"By yourself?"
"No. Draco came along too" Hayley smirked at the thought and came to sit on my bed.
"Sooo? What happened?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, I actually didn't know what it meant.
"Did you make out?"
"What!?" I yelled jumping up from my bed. Hayley just giggled. I sighed and sat back down.
"No. We did not. I was planning to go by myself, but for some reason he couldn't sleep either." Hayley sighed too and stood up. She put her uniform on and grabbed her bag. I did too.
"It's weird, Draco normally sleeps like a baby every night" Hayley said as we walked out the door.

After a few minutes, Pansy, Draco and Blaise came down one by one. We all started walking to the great hall for breakfast and I was pretty sure Draco kept side glancing at me. He was probobly doing it because I was aswell. So he had every right too. I kept getting surge's of happy energy running through me. Was it Draco? Or was I just being weird?. Breakfast was boring. No speech from the head thank god. I just wanted to go to my lessons, to take my mind of Draco. I mean OK, he is quite good looking....NO! Imagine! A vampire actually developing a crush on a human? It's like a human having a crush on some chocolate. Having a crush on your means of food. Freaky.
"So, what's first on your timetable?" Asked Hayley, disturbing my daydream. I went through my bag until I finally found my timetable.
"Potions" I read aloud.
"Oh we're all in that! That'll be a laugh" Hayley smiled.
"Snape" Draco said. "On the Slytherin side all the time. Unfortunatly we have it with the Gryffindor's"
"Are they that bad?"
"Ha! We're the bad ones. They are just there. In the same classroom. That would make an Slytherin throw up" Everyone started laughing. I tried to put on a fake laugh but I gave up soon after. Why did I end up in Slytherin??.

The affect Drao had on me didn't wear of in Potions, he sat next to me which made it a whole lot worse. Although happier, it made me happier, like I wanted him to be there even though It made me think about him more, which I didn't want. I was utterly rubbish at potions. Mine and Draco's potions smelt like a rubbish tip which stunk the whole class. But all Snape said was good try, then gave us a B+. What the hell? It was crap! And that Hermione girl whom I met on the train did very well. Although she didn't get the colour it was supposed to be, it was still better than mine. You know what grade Snape gave her? Ane E-. Yep. Draco winked at me and leaned in closer.
"He's our head of house, what d'you expect?" I guessed he was answering the questioned look on my face when I watched Hermione stamp her feet and shove her books back in her bag.
Next we had a free period, so I was free to do what I liked, studying wasn't going to be one of my options. Hayley and Pansy asked me if I wanted to go with them to the lake. I turned them down, I wasn't going to go anywhere near there after what happened last night. Draco felt the same way as his beautiful face went white, just by hearing the words 'go' and 'lake'.
"Well, alone again" Draco smirked, leaning back in his chair. I just smiled and looked into the burning fire in the fire place. I felt all warm and happy again.
"You OK?" Draco asked.
"Yeah, quite happy actually"
"How come?" Draco chuckled.
"I don't know, whenever I'm around you I just feel, happy..."
Me and Draco stared at eachother for a few more seconds. His eyes making me feel all warm and fuzzy, like I was on drugs. And my eyes making Draco feel cold and bitter, yet we couldn't look away.
"..Really" Draco said quietly. "I've never had that affect on people before" He smiled and broke the stare.
"You like feeling warm?"
"Sort of, it's kinda nice"
"You sound like you've never been warm before"
"It's been a while" Draco looked puzzled like he did at the lake.
"Never mind" I shook by head and looked into the fire again.
"Your eyes change colour" He said still looking at my eyes. I looked at him weirdly, like he was talking crazy.
"Just before I see you, your eyes are very pale blue. nearly grey. That's my colour eyes. And after a few minutes, they go, sort of an orangey colour. Then when I leave, they go blue again" I blushed slightly, he might of got the jist, even though I didn't.
"Maybe they change colour because I'm around you"
"Maybe" Draco smirked. We stared at each other again. Like we couldn't possibly tear our eyes away form each other. I noticed that I was moving in closer, and so was he. I couldn't let this happen! I wanted it to happen, but I also couldn't it would make me.. dangerous. Before we got any closer the bell went and time for our next class. We smiled at eachother and walked to our next class, to meet up with Hayley.

Comments my lovely's!
Hollie xx

Last edited by Hollister; 06-30-2007 at 09:22 AM.
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