Originally Posted by
This is pretty good! Can't wait for the Draco/Hermione to happen!
Thanks! Well, here's a chapter you may like, then...
He was in his brooding mood—again. Ron and I couldn’t even attempt to reach him when he was in his stupors, walking around like an inferi, as Ron claimed.
“Let’s get something to eat, how about that, Harry?” Ron suggested. His stomach let out a rumble.
“I’m not hungry,” Harry muttered irritably.
“You said that yesterday,” I claimed, observing his mood like a bomb ready to go off any second. His wiry frame was even thinner than usual. “Please, Harry,” I pleaded, placing a hand on his arm. My stomach was churning as well.
Ron exhaled loudly, blowing up his red fringe. “How about you go, ‘Mione, and bring us something from the Great Hall? Maybe Harry will get his appetite back by the time you’re back.”
I didn’t see any other solution, so I agreed. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I promised, trying not to look worried as I met Harry’s eyes. He only sank into a sofa behind him.
My footsteps sounded lonely in the deserted corridor. Everyone else was in the Great Hall enjoying breakfast, I presumed. Then I heard something whisper my name.
Stopping, I drew out my wand. Nothing.
“Just a figment of my imagination,” I told myself, descending the stairs.
But I heard it again when I reached the base of the stairs. It was louder this time. But no one was there. Willing my pulse to return to its normal rate, I grasped my wand more tightly and strode forwards briskly.
“Granger—are you deaf or something?” a cold voice taunted from a dark corner. I recognized that tone only too well. My blood ran cold as I turned around to face the speaker.
Draco Malfoy leaned lazily against a pillar, almost engulfed in darkness where he stood. “Long time no see, Granger,” he drawled quietly.
I raised my wand. “Don’t come near me, Malfoy,” I warned, voice shaking and very high-pitched.
“Or what?” he sneered. “
My wand shot from my grip. Malfoy smiled broadly at me as he caught the wand in his open hand. “Good thing you’re so good at quick thinking, Granger,” he jeered.
Gritting my jaw, I ordered, “Give that to me right now, Malfoy.”
“As if,” he retorted coolly, pocketing it and smirking.
Lifting my chin defiantly, I marched away.
“What are you doing? Get back here!” Malfoy hissed, loud enough only for me to hear.
“Since when did you start giving me orders?” I shot back at him, continuing.
But I felt a physical pull on my robes, dragging me backwards. I fought against the force, but all efforts were in vain. It was as though an invisible string were tied to my back with Malfoy as the puppet master.
I stopped with a thump of fabric on fabric. I was drawn up against him and could feel Malfoy’s cold breath in my ear. “Much better, Mudblood,” he whispered.
“Let go of me!” I struggled against his pale arms.
“Relax, Granger,” he purred.
For an instant, I felt the strength draw out of my body. This was not ordinary magic. Malfoy was using Dark magic. Or if it wasn’t Dark magic, it was something I could not recognize.
Gathering my wits about me, I managed to say, “What do you want, Malfoy?”
“I’m not entitled to let you know about my personal business,” he snarled. “But I want to tell you, Mudblood, that if I hear you breathing a word to anyone…” Slightly he loosened his grip on me.
Scoffing, I said, “As much as you like to think, Malfoy, you can’t be everywhere at once.”
“I have my ways of getting around,” he replied smoothly, and I could feel his grasp lessen more. It was my chance to escape.
In one swift motion I snatched my wand from his pocket and broke from his arms. To my surprise, he didn’t make a grab for me. Instead, he laughed quietly.
“Just remember, Fenrir is a pal of mine, and your parents won’t be hard if I hear a hint of you telling anyone of my whereabouts,” he called after me as I sprinted down the hallway.