Run, Emma, Run! Here is the next chapter to Beautiful Liar!
Chapter 22:
Hermione and Ron stayed where they were. They were to scared to move. They both wanted to run to their best friend and Hermione wanted to run to Draco but for some reason shock kept them where they were.
A few minutes passed, then…
“Stupid Malfoy!” Harry snapped as he got up. “Why did you use that spell! I had her cornered already!”
“Well if you would have listened to me in the first place none of this would have happened!” Draco snapped back as he stood up himself.
“I don’t have to listen to you! We would have died if I had listened to you!”
“No we wouldn’t!”
“Okay fine we would have passed out and would have never woken up again! Does that sound better!”
“Both of you shut up!” Hermione cried as Ron and her ran towards them.
“Harry we thought you were dead!” Ron said as he reached Harry and gave his best friend a hug. Hermione was next.
“Mione I can’t breathe!” Harry gasped.
“Sorry” Hermione said as she let Harry go.
Ron continued to talk to Harry as Hermione turned to Draco.
“Draco…” Hermione said as she approached him.
“Yeah?” Draco asked.
Hermione hit Draco on the head.
“You aren’t suppose to combine those two spells you idiot! I taught you better!” Hermione yelled as she threw her arms around Draco.
“I’m sorry Professor!” Draco laughed as he hugged Hermione back. “And Hermione…I really do love you…I would never abuse you like that. You know that right?”
“I do now…your not a Beautiful Liar are you?” Hermione replied.
"I told you so!" Draco smiled.
“Good news is that Bellatrix is dead” Harry said. “She can be with Voldie now”.
Everyone laughed.
“Let’s go…we have a graduation to go too” Ron said as he went over to Ginny.
Harry however rushed forward and picked her up first.
“Geez Harry if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were eager to take her home” Ron smiled.
Harry laughed.
Harry, carrying Ginny, and Ron exited the room first and dissaperated outside in the hall. Hermione followed. Draco was about to do the same when he noticed Victoria was awake and was watching everyone leave. Draco went over to her.
“Your stupid mother’s dead” Draco snapped.
“I know…I was awake when it happened” Victoria said.
“It…it doesn’t bother you?” Draco asked confused.
“No…I never liked her. I just did what she told me to do because I was rewarded with food. She never let me eat unless I did something to have earned a decent meal”.
Draco was shocked at what he was hearing. He had always thought Victoria lived a happy rich life.
“Do you…do you want to come back with me?” Draco asked.
Victoria looked up at Draco and smiled. “No…I hurt Ron and you and everyone else. I can’t go back…”
“Yes you can! You can start over…just like I did” Draco said.
“I can’t Draco…I have hurt so many already…it’s a miracle I am still alive”.
“Victoria come on…” Draco said as he helped her up. Victoria stumbled…her leg was broken.
“That Hermione can cast a strong spell when she is angry” Victoria said.
Draco laughed. “At least she didn’t punch you in the face. She left me a nice bruise one time”.
Victoria laughed, “You got beat up by a girl”.
“Shut up!”
“But at least it was a pretty girl…and a smart one too…”
Draco smiled.
“You know…Ron might give you a second chance” Draco said.
“I doubt it…I really hurt him…I wouldn’t give myself a second chance…” Victoria sighed.
“Yes well I’m not you now am I? I could never pull that dress off” said a voice.
Ron had turned up again. He had come looking for Draco. He picked up Victoria and turned to Draco, “Hermione is waiting for you…she picked out a nice new clean dress robe for you”.
“Oh lord” Draco said as he dissaperated.
“Ron I’m sorry” Victoria said.
“We’ll talk later…we need to go graduate and go show the world the little that we have learned in our seven years of learning…” Ron said.
Victoria laughed as Ron and her left the dusty dark room behind to replace it with the brightly lit Hospital Wing.
I hope you all enjoyed! And just to let you all know this is the second to last chapter...I know...I'm sad too...
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
Last edited by Come What May; 06-27-2007 at 02:32 AM.