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Old 06-26-2007, 04:18 PM
Nabs Nabs is offline
Post Theory-a-Thon Update!

Hey SSers, remember that thing we told you about two months ago? The contest called the "Theory-a-thon"? Ring any bells? Well, to the newer members, or to those who've misplaced their post-it notes containing their theories, this is just a little reminder that you have approximately FOUR DAYS until the deadline!

What exactly is the Theory-a-Thon? It's a contest where you can submit your theory(s) on what will happen in the seventh installment of the Harry Potter series (Deathly Hallows, duh). Mad Eye Touz explains it better:

We will be selecting 21 of our favorite theories and displaying one a day starting July 1st and ending with the release of Book 7. To give you a good idea of what that means, we're roughly going to be taking 3 theories from here [the Submit-your-theory-here thread] a week for 7 weeks. It'll be here before you know it though, so go ahead and submit a theory today!!
So if you have a theory that's been poking you in the back of the head, post it (them?) HERE.

Don't think that you have to sketch out an entire plot line of the whole book for us, so even if you have a teeny tiny theory that you may feel is not worth mentioning, we say go for it! No theory is considered too far fetched (although, if Yoda shows up in the Tardis at the Opening Feast...we'd have to reject it).

You can submit your theories from these categories:

* Harry or Voldemort? Who wins? Who dies?
* Who else will die? Who else will live?
* Deathly Hallows
* Severus Snape
* The Order of the Phoenix
* Petunia Dursley
* Sirius Black
* Lily's eyes
* The Horcruxes
* The Veil
* Albus Dumbledore
* Draco Malfoy
* Defense Against the Dark Arts position
* Will Hogwarts re-open?
* What does the cover art show?
* Other

The entire forum can be found HERE.
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