Ye Olde Faerie Cakes - Break Room The purpose of this room? None, really. This is merely the break room, decorated in pretty lavanders and pale pinks and blues. Why? Why not? When she took over as the Department Head, Verona decided to "prettify" the break room. Every day she brings in lemon poppy seed muffins, chocolate cupcakes, pink iced angel food cakes, and bran muffins for those worried about their sugar intake. Besides that though, delicious finger sanwiches await being eaten, crackers and cheese, and other little foods.
Sit down at the little tables with their pretty white cloths for your coffee or tea -- it's like a little outdoor cafe, with all the perks of being inside! You can even sit below little umbrellas! (Who cares about superstitions...?)
In the corners of the room are plushy, over stuffed white chairs. Who wants to work when you have such a cozy atmosphere in the break room? |