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Old 06-15-2007, 03:59 AM   #6 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Don't worry, Harmonizer. You'll be getting some Teehee. Glad you were amused! =D That was the intent ^_____^


Ghost of You

Disclaimer: I am the owner of Tristan, Boo, Mozzie and Nolan. Frankie and Riley belong to Nienna and Jose belongs to Boys Like Ama. Ghost of You is the title of My Chemical Romance's song and is not mine. Hogwarts is not mine, nor is the world of Harry Potter. However, the events of this short story are.


She didn’t know and would never know the reason for her nickname. Nobody knew, actually. Everybody else just called her Boo because they’d known her as such or been introduced to “Boo”. Most didn’t even know her first name. Charolotte. Such a pretty, sophisticated name was unfitting of her. (It wasn’t that he didn’t find her pretty – mostly it was because she was best described as childlike and devious, quite unlike the name Charolotte.)

He mused over this as he watched her across the Courtyard. She reminded him of a cat, he noted. Such that as he watched her, she was basking in the glow of attention. She preferred it and he didn’t. Around her stood Riley and Leah, though he couldn’t hear what they were talking about and cared not to. Tipping his face up to the sun, he closed his eyes, relishing in the warmth it cast over his light skin.

When they were first years, they met. She stood at a tiny four-foot-one-and-a-half and he managed to stand at four-foot-eight. He preferred to sit by the fire and read and watch people while Boo loved to prance and sneak up on people and giggle. She had an instant popularity where his fan club wouldn’t notice him until his fourth and fifth year. Charolotte Remmington loved to sneak up on people or randomly chat up students she didn’t know. She carried a pocket mirror and lead students on late night excursions.

She scared him.

Charolotte was loud, obnoxious, and high-strung.

They didn’t become friends until they were partnered together in Transfiguration. Charolotte was terrible at that class eh excelled brilliantly. Through the course of helping her and slowly learning to talk with each other, friendship bloomed. He found her fun to listen and soon she was confiding in him and telling him everything.

When she needed advice, she came to him. If she liked a boy, she told him. If she was having a fight, she vented to him.

The next year, they returned to school. She was four feet three and he was four foot eleven. The height difference would remain and grow as would their friendship. But he would still remember the days before their friendship, when she scared him so greatly that he called her Boo.

“Tristan!” the tiny girl called, waving him over. “Stop being anti-social and come over here!”

Rising, the tall boy made his way to Boo, Leah, and Riley, oblivious to the flush in Leah’s cheeks. He’d learned to tune that stuff out. In the distance, he saw Mozzie, Nolan, Frankie and Jose walking from the lake and he waved them over as well.

Not even Boo would know that she was Tristan’s favorite ghost.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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