Thread: Harry Potter: Dreaming of You - Sa13+
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Old 06-07-2007, 02:13 AM   #23 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 4

Draco led the way through the little italian street until they came to a small resturant. Draco held the door open for Hermione, and he seemed a little troubled. Hermione noticed, but didn't breach the subject until the wine had been served.

"Cameriere!" Draco called, and a waiter appeared at their table.

"Buona sera Signorina...Signore. May I serve you something from the sbarra?"

"Oh, no, nothing from the bar, thanks. Unless Hermione, do you want anything?" Draco asked.

"No, that's alright. I'll just go straight to dinner, if you don't mind." Hermione requested. The waiter bowed.

"Va bene. I'll be back soon. Gratzie." The waiter left. Hermione sighed.

"I love Italy. Their so.....quaint. I wish I was Italian, instead of English."

"Wanna learn Italian?" Draco asked. Hermione nodded eagerly. "Ok, repeat after me. Gratzie."

Hermione repeated it. "What does that mean?"

"It means thank you. Now, I say Prego. That means your welcome." Hermione smiled.

"This is fun. Do you know any more?"

"Any more? Watch!" Draco summoned a waiter. "Me scusa, ma possiamo avere del più vino, per favore?"

"Si, Signore. Uno momento, per favore." The waiter walked away. Hermione looked at Draco questioningly. The waiter came back with another bottle of red wine. "You're wine, sir."

"Thank you." Draco poured Hermione another glass.

"Would you like to order?" The waiter pulled out a writing pad. Draco nodded, looked at the menu once more, then closed it.

"I shall have La bistecca con la salsa, l'insalata, e ha pestato le patate. Oh, e posso avere un lato speciale di granoturco arrostito per favore?"

"Very good sir. It shall be here in 15 minutes. And you, madame?" The waiter stood, poised, waiting for Hermione. She looked at the menu nervously.

"Um...what do I say when I want chicken?"

"Chicken with what Hermione?" Draco asked.

"Um...chicken with peas, gravy, and mashed potatoes. Oh, can I get a chicken caesar salad with that?" Draco turned to the waiter.

"Avrà il pollo con i piselli, la salsa, e ha pestato le patate. Ed amerebbe un'insalata di cesare, bene?" The waiter nodded and whisked himself away. Hermione stared in wonder at Draco.

"I wish I knew how to do that."


Draco never thought he had such a wonderful time. He showed Hermione the Italian language, the food was terrific, and she was beautiful. Thoughts of Pansy drifted farther and farther from his mind.

He paid the bill and gave their waiter a rather handsome tip. Hermione smirked at the bills.

"I see you're still flaunting your money around."

"Yea well...there's no place I can hide it, so why not spend it? At least, as long as I have a certain lady friend that needs tending too. Hermione, why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Well....I just moved here with Ginny. She had been living here for awhile, and when Ron and I....fell apart, she was here to help me get back on my feet."

"I see...." Draco put his arm around her and walked her home. Hermione was glad for his arms weight around her shoulders. It made her feel....more secure.

"Yea....but now that I have a job, I'm willing to support myself, and not rely on Gin so much. I'm even starting to help pay the bills!" Hermione said proudly.

"Va bene!" Draco said, and kissed her on the nose. Hermione looked suprised, then laughed.

"What does that mean?" She asked, giggling.

"It means it goes well. I can teach you more, if you like." Draco offered. Hermione smiled.

"Why go through all that trouble to teach a bumbling beginner like me?"

" I can spend more time with you, I'm not gonna lie. Second...well, it seems rather silly to live in Italy and speak not one word of their language, doesn't it?"

"I suppose it does." They had reached Hermione and Ginny's door. Draco kissed her hand.

"Buona Sera, mi amore." Draco said. Hermione gave a puzzled glance.


"Good! You're picking it up already!" Draco laughed. "See you tomorrow at work!"

"Bye!" Hermione called, then sighed. This had been a most memorable evening.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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