Mobiliarbus - -Moves a tree.
Mobilicorpus - Moves a body. Nox - means night in latin, -Turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell. Obliviate - Memory Charm
-"oblivisci" - forget
-Modifies or erases portions of a person's memory. Orchideous -
-"Orchideae" - name for the orchid plant family
-Conjures a bouquet of flowers out of the end of a wand. Peskipiksi Pesternomi – ???Freezing Charm by gilderoy...
Petrificus Totalus - ·
-"petrificare" - to make into stone, from "petra" - rock
-Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a Basilisk. Point Me - four-point-spell, -A simple spell, performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the wand rotates to point north. Prior Incanto or Priori Incantatem
- reverse spell
-"prior"- former, earlier, preceeding + "incantatare" - to bewirtch or enchant
-Can be cast as a spell, ("Prior Incantato"), in which case it forces a wand to emit a ghost image of the last spell it cast. The images can be dispelled using the Deletrius spell.
-When two wands are forced to duel which have core material from the same single animal, the result will be "Priori Incantatem," a display in sequence of the last spells one of the wands cast. Which wand will show the spell effect depends on the willpower of the two wizards involved. Quietus -
reverse: Sonorus
-quietus" -quiet, peaceful
-Reverses the effect of the Sonorus spell, making the caster’s voice normal in volume
Reverse: Engorgio
"redusen" Middle Eng. diminish, from "reducer" - bring back to the source, from" reducere" -ring, lead
Causes an object to return to it's normal size.
__________________ .dAnGerwAy. Ignorance of the Law excuses no One |