Run, Emma, Run! Okay is the new chapter!
Chapter 14:
Hermione walked back up to the castle with Draco.
“Hermione you do know we missed all our classes right?” Draco asked as they entered the castle.
“WHAT!” Hermione yelled.
“Hermione calm down!”
“Draco its all your fault! If you just chose to brag about me to everyone we would have gone to all our classes!”
Draco laughed.
“Good night Draco!” Hermione said as she marched off to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Draco leaned on the doorway.
“She’ll be back,” he told himself.
And sure enough Hermione appeared.
“I only came back because I forgot something!” Hermione snapped. She kissed Draco and then said, “ I still don’t forgive you”.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes…” Hermione said.
Hermione walked away and smiled as she turned the corner.
“Why do I like him so much?” Hermione whispered to herself.
“That’s what I want to know?”
Hermione turned towards the voice... no one was there.
“Who’s there?” Hermione asked.
“Hermione, why are you putting yourself through so much pain?”
Hermione sighed as she saw the source of the voice.
“Not again!” Hermione thought.
“Hermione answer me!”
“James! Will you stop it!”
“Not until you answer my question!”
“I…I guess I’m just a silly little girl in love” Hermione said.
James looked at Hermione. Hermione had just realized what she had said. Is she really in love with Draco? Or is she just using him to make Harry feel bad?
“James I have to go” Hermione said as she walked away.
“Hermione wait…” James said.
Hermione turned. She was in tears…she didn’t know how she felt anymore.
James took Hermione into his arms.
“Hermione I love you. I have ever since I met you. That Potter boy hurt you and moving on to Draco is not going to make things better for you. But if you come with me…”
“James please…” Hermione snapped.
“Hermione if you were with me none of this would have happened to you! I would never hurt you!”
“You now what’s funny? Harry said the same thing and look where I ended up for believing him”.
“Your with Malfoy…ouch I see what you mean.”
“James! You will be so lucky if you end up being at least half the man Draco is!” Hermione yelled.
“Shut up! Just leave me alone!” Hermione turned on her heel and left but she did not stop yelling.
“Boys these days! Some are Beautiful Liars, others are desperate, and some are…completely sweet,” Hermione said thinking of Draco.
Hermione arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room to find Ginny and Cho on the floor sleeping. Hermione giggled.
“Some people didn’t make it to their bed!” Hermione said as she nudged Cho and Ginny.
“Hermione where were you?” Ginny asked as she picked herself up from the floor.
“With Draco” Hermione smiled.
“Oh…wait…with WHO!” Ginny yelled.
“With Draco” Hermione repeated.
Ginny looked like she was about to burst…
“FINALLY! What took the idiot so long?” Ginny said.
“I don’t know” Hermione said, laughing at Ginny’s reaction.
“He was scared” Cho spoke up.
“Of what? That Hermione was going to kill him if he asked her?”
“No…he just thought Hermione would say no because he thought that Hermione still thought of him as a Death Eater in training”.
“Cho how do you know all this?” Hermione asked.
“He told me…well I kind of forced it out of him…he was being stubborn about it”.
“What’s going on here?”
All three girls looked up to find Ron standing at the staircase.
“We were just taking about you” Ginny said.
“You were?” Ron asked.
“Yes and about this girl who is dying to ask you out” Ginny giggled.
“Really? Who is she?”
Hermione looked at Ginny and asked the same thing, “Who is this poor girl?”
“Hey! Hermione your just jealous!” Ron said.
“Oh yeah…super jealous!” Hermione giggled.
Hermione turned to Cho to see why she was being so quiet…but the thing was…Cho was no longer there…
Hermione looked back at Ginny and Ginny nodded.
Ginny rolled her eyes.
I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! 
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
Last edited by Come What May; 06-06-2007 at 08:41 PM.