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Old 04-07-2004, 11:09 PM   #49 (permalink)
Luffs Lickin' Elbows
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Not The Potatoes

As Harry and the gang were sitting in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Hermione noticed something buzzing around the room.
‘AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’ Parvati yelled. ‘It’s a wasp…a wasp, a wasp, help me, help me…’
Draco stood up to help her, or so she thought, he yelled out ‘WASHP’
The wasp grew to the size of dog and headed straight for Parvatil. Screamed more, and ran out of the room.
Just as the giganta-wasp was about to fly after her, Professor Tonks stood up and yelled
‘WASP’ and it was back to the normal size, and dead.

By time dinner rolled around, everyone knew about what happened in DADA, all the Slytherins were laughing at Parvati, while most of the rest of the houses felt bad for her, and hated the Slytherins even more. Draco got detention from Tonks (who doesn’t like him, at all) for the rest of the term. He was handed over to Flich, who made him do untasteful thing, such as cleaning the dungeons, but with a toothbrush, in the deep, dark part of the dungeons. This is a section so dark and deep that the lumos spell does nothing. He was cleaning blind, had no idea what was infront of him.

While talking about this one day out on the Grounds Hermione, Ron, and Harry noticed a new type of tree.
‘What is it?’ Harry asked.
‘It’s a toothbrush tree.’ answered Hermione, like it was old news.
‘And just how do you know that?’ Ron asked
‘I have a friend back home, she has one in her backyard. Its really nothing.’
‘Nothing? Look at it, its so…so… toothbrushy’
‘Wow, good oberservation Ron.’ joked Harry.
Other people had started to congregate around the tree. Nobody knew what to do with it. Draco, sick of anything toothbrushy ran away crying like a baby.
Everyone was so confused, nobody could move, they were so mezmorized by the tree, everyone but Hermione that is.

The whole school had gathered around the tree, just before dinner, including all the house elves. Even the people in paintings were looking at it, they were all, as many as could fit in the paointing that were close to the window. No one noticed the man in the black robes sneak into the school. No one but Hermione that is.

When she saw the man sneak in, she tried to get the headmasters attention, but he was to wrapped up in the tree to help her, so she went in alone.
She followed the man to the kitchen, who tickled the pear and got in. She went in after him. In there she saw him do something to the potatoes. Before she even had time to do anything, another man came up behind her and shouted,
‘STUPEFY’ a bolt of red light shot at Hermione, she was knocked out.
‘HEHEHE we’ll get them this time!’ said one of the men as they started to make for the exit.

Once the tree had disapeared, everyone was very confused as to where they were, the house elves rushed quickly back to the Kitchen, the painting people back to their paintings and the students, and teachers to the Great Hall.
Eventually people forgot about the Tree, like it was never there, it wasn’t that they remembered, and just didn’t care, they didn’t even remember that it was there. When Harry and Ron sat down, they wondered where Hermione was, just as a house elf came running into

the Great Hall, towards Dumbledore. Dubmledore looked at Harry and Ron, they knew to follow him.

‘What happened to her?’ asked Ron.
‘She’s been hit with a Stupefy Charm, but, by who is the real question.’ Relplied Dumbledore ‘Did you see anyone?’ he asked looking at the house elf that came and got him. The house elf went on to say that he saw no one, and didn’t remember a sinlge thing from the last 15 minutes, this is when Dumbledore, Harry and Ron realised they didn’t either. They knew something funny was happening.

Dumbledore woke Hermione up, she told them everything.
'Not the potatoes!' Was all Dumbledore could say.
When they raced up to the Great Hall, people were doing very weird things…one person was getting so angry that the Muggle candy, M & M’s don’t come in different flavors that he was shouting, cursing everyone in sight.

Dumbledore stood on a table and yelled, at the top of his lungs, ‘STOP EATING!!!!’
As soon as people heard this, the only sound to be heard was the clinking of falling knives and forks.
When people had heard about the potatoes, Ron said,
‘Boy, am I glad I didn’t eat the potatoes!’

Turns out, the men in the black robes were Lord Voldemort and Lucious Malfoy, they’re plan backfired, making people go temperarily insane, but everything was fixed, Draco was very embarassed, and cried even more like a baby.

1) A wasp must fly around a classroom and someone kills it by pulling out their wand and yelling, "WASP!"
2) A toothbrush tree must grow outside of Hogwarts, but no one knows what to do with it.
3) Someone must say, "Boy am I glad I didn't eat the potatoes."
4) And finally, someone must be angry that m&ms don't come in different flavors.
Due date: 7th April.

Ghost Signature brought to you by Amber

Maybe there'll be no more pain,

the day we all go insane.

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