Thread: Harry Potter: After the DA - Sa13+
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:40 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Ravenclaw Professor Ottery in da house! Wuddup yo!
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Originally Posted by Lari Yubari View Post
I landed on my feet, cat-like and stood up. In front of me were a gaggle of guys grouped around a girl crying and shrieking on the floor. Rene stepped forwards and she screamed, “Get away you freak! Leave me alone!” and then the next second, “Help me!” The guys had no idea what to do and Rene looked especially abashed. He was standing a good five feet away from her now. I stepped forwards and she smiled at him for some reason. “I’m glad you came,” she said. “These idiots have no idea what they’re doing.”
Hmm ... this posits and interesting scenario. *Is secretly drooling because Sam made such a cool entrance* He's so kawaii!!!!!!!1111111 I love that Sam is cat like, nyaow nyaow, I love kitty boys ... *purrs* but you'll see that in my fic laters ... Nice introduction to star Lari Lari, she like to pari!

Originally Posted by Linda flirts with the otters Hatari View Post
What?!? I’d expected her to scream at me like all the others but she hadn’t, she’d been nice-sort of. I must have looked really funny because Rene burst out laughing. I ignored him and stepped forwards again. Nothing, okay cool. I managed to get within two feet of her without another out burst when one of the guys on the outside moved.
Rene isn't Rane obviously right, so who is he? Should I know him? I know I'm a really slow reader and I do forget details especially when I don't keep up but ... did I miss something Obi Wan K'Lari?

Originally Posted by Lari I pwn your Atari keelari View Post
“Sam! Sam! He’s going to kill you! Sam!” I spun around and saw the kid; he had gone very white and looked very shocked. I smirked at him and he visibly relaxed. No one dared move after that, so I got out my wand and levitated her above my head. “Oh! This is so much fun!” she squealed and I levitated her out of the Ravenclaw common room.

Sam is soooooooooo cool Seriously, if he can make people chill out with just a look he's one bad m-- *Ottery shut your mouth* I'm just talkin' 'bout Shaft Sam *We dig* ...

But yeah, cool. Go Sam ... I'm wondering who the weird girl is though. OMG! I read too slow.

Originally Posted by L just call me the Elle View Post
Where the heck should I take her? She was kicking and pretending to be swimming all the way and it was starting to get really annoying. “Wheeeeeeeeeee!” I smirked. There wad definitely some thing wrong with that child. It just wasn’t normal to act like a five year old when you’re....eleven? Twelve? I had no idea but I knew she didn’t act like this normally.
Okay so the whole girl swimming in the air, that was funny, I could even see her making bubbly noises with her mouth too cute Lari. This is the funny give us more of the funny but don't forget the dangerous and the drama too, did I mention angst and love? Go Lari Hatari. Ottery is your biggest fan-i wait that sounds wrong ...

Originally Posted by Hagrid's Bad Temper View Post
It sounded pretty stupid. There I was levitating a girl that was “acting like a five year old”. I tried to stop myself from laughing but it was kind of hard so I looked at the floor and then smirked.

At least Sam realizes he sounds stupid Too cute. *glompsSam* OMG! I wuv him.

Originally Posted by Lagrid??? WTF????!!!! View Post
Maybe he wanted to keep talking but I don’t know, I was already asleep and loving it because I didn’t wake up when Rene tried to awaken me and then left because I didn’t react and all the different people that went through the room because the room was spotless when I woke up-just in time for class that was too.
:techni: :litebulb: :heart2:
I love how Sam is relating the story in his own words, that really works for him Lari, I don't know why but I love to hear him tell his own story, that's different from the other posts you've written him in no? I can't remember ... I'll have to check but I really like it here. I don't know why but it goes with his independent streak. Yup yup.

Well that's all I have time for today and I might be gone a bit Lari, but never fear I haven't given up on your story ... I'm just on a bit of a lariday = holiday
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