Run, Emma, Run! ^^Aww Thank you! Do you know my other FF's?
Well before you do here is the new chapter to Beautiful Liar!
I hope all my wonderful readers enjoy!
Chapter 12:
“What are all of you doing in my office?” Snape asked as he watched Hermione, Cho, Ginny, and Draco enter.
“Sir we all got detention” Hermione said.
“Detention? Well Miss Granger there’s one more bad thing to add to your records”.
Hermione looked down.
“Snape shut up! Hermione was defending herself because stupid Potter was acting like a fool,” Draco snapped.
“Draco! I didn’t notice you were here,” Snape said in surprise.
“I wish you hadn’t” Draco whispered.
Hermione had heard Draco and she giggled. Draco looked at Hermione and smiled which caused Hermione to blush.
“So what shall I make you all do?” Snape said.
“You should be nice for once and let us off the hook” Draco said.
“But then I would not be doing my job” Snape answered.
“Do you ever?” Draco snapped.
“If I didn’t would you have the brains you have now?”
Draco rolled his eyes.
“Can we leave?” Ginny said.
“I guess. I have better things to do than baby sit children” Snape answered.
“I asked you if we could leave a long time ago!” Draco yelled.
“No you asked me to basically prove to you if you had a brain”.
“No I did not!” Draco snapped.
“Draco I have things to do” Snape said as he opened his office door for them.
“So do I and it involves shoving my foot up your..”
“Draco!” Hermione said.
“All right!” Draco said and walked out the door silently.
“Hermione lets go. I’m super tired!” Ginny complained.
“Me too!” Cho yawned.
“Um you two go ahead. I need to go talk to McGonagall about something” Hermione said.
“Okay” the two girls said and left, leaving Draco and Hermione alone.
“Do you really have to ask McGonagall something?” Draco asked getting closer to Hermione.
“It’s not that important” Hermione replied.
Hermione allowed Draco to move closer but Draco just did the complete opposite of what Hermione thought he would do.
“Okay well good night!” Draco said as he walked away.
Hermione stood there in shock. What had just happened?
Hermione walked to the Gryffindor Common Room upset that Draco had decided to freeze up.
A week later…
“Draco come here!” Hermione snapped one day after class.
“Yes Hermione?”
“What is your problem?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“Why have you been avoiding me? You won’t talk to me or even look at me in the eye…like right now! I don’t think the floor is prettier than me!”
Draco looked up and laughed. That caused Hermione to smile. She loved it when he laughed.
“I just have a lot of things on my mind that’s all”.
“Well I can help you with any problems if you like” Hermione offered. Hoping Draco was getting the hint.
“No it’s okay I just…”
Hermione lost her patience again. Draco was never this slow in asking a girl out.
“Draco do you like me?” Hermione snapped.
“What?” Draco said, shocked by the question.
“Do you like me?” Hermione asked again.
“Well yes…I”
“Then why haven’t you asked me out yet!”
Draco turned red.
“I just thought you didn’t feel the same way” Draco mumbled.
“Well obviously I like you to! But since you’re slower than I thought you were!”
Hermione turned to leave. She was angry that Draco still wouldn’t ask her out even when she made it obvious. But Hermione never got the chance to leave. Draco had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. Pulling her into a kiss. When Draco pulled away…
“Hermione Jane Granger? Will you go out with me?”
I hope all my loyal readers enjoyed the new chapter!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
Last edited by Come What May; 06-03-2007 at 04:02 AM.